So with the help of my lovely assistant, (my daughter) who is better at crawling through tight spaces than I, and fearless when it comes to climbing on things, the first implied task was to get some good reference photos.

This was her favorite. Nature always finds a way...

I've been blessed (cursed) with more Tamiya Bradley kits than I know what to do with, and a pretty insane number of MLRS kits as well. So lots of those parts, along with some Meng parts, are going into the builds. Here then is the obligatory photo of most of what I plan to use for each one, along with a Meng engine and transmission or two:

As someone else pointed out in another thread, those Legend wheels' bolt pattern may look a little off under the microscope, but at normal human viewing distance, I think they're fine, and they are more accurate.
Not shown are a few sets of aftermarket AFV CLub club individual tracks.
My daughter and I decided a nice number of subjects would be five - enough to show the variety of states of disrepair, but not enough to turn it into a lifelong project.
So the first step was to grab five kits and, in a manner that would make Henry Ford proud, start prepping the hulls. I like to use stretched sprue and CA to fill in all those annoying holes. The main reason: It's quick! All but one have been filled in as shown here:

Now the ridiculously incorrect idler mounts can be cut down, or, in a few cases, will be replaced with unused Meng pieces.

Similar work on the front areas.

Spare shocks from old MLRS kits come in handy here. Barely seen, I don't waste a lot of time on what's hidden behind the wheels.

Where needed, I may move the return rollers, which are incorrectly placed on the kit. Or not. Again, not intended to be a lifelong project.
So, more to come when the whim strikes. Right now 1:1 projects are calling from the garage.