Well, I figure MasterBox is going to get some more of my hard earned cash stash. But when you compare this to other companies, you really get more bang for your dollar. M.B. has really put the screws to other companies and if they don't pay atention, they will lose out in the figure department. My figure sets are slowly being overtaken by M.B.'s figures as they are very creative and full of action if that's what you are looking for. And thiere customer relations is top notch. When I e-mailed them about the 8th Pa. cavalry set of issues, they sent enough full kits to correct the problem, and was mailed on X-mass day to boot. Another well known figure company and I have an on going pissing match about the correct amount of ammo pouchs needed to corectly build the figures. What is funny is that 2 sets of weapon sprues would fix the problem and they state that they are not available. Was the last set I bought from them. And since M.B.'s does care about thiere customers very well, I support the company with almost all my figure purchases. Besides, they just keep coming up with fantastic figure sets that put all the others to shame.