Hi guys,
I have picked up my Pak 40 kit, and am now building it. I have also bought the Aber PE set, and so far I am having a lot of fun with it. I do have one prblem though. In the Aber instructions on the bottom of the front page they want you to attach a 0,3 mm wire. I'll try to describe what they want you to do:
All is on the side of the loader. On the gun mount, (logically speaking) the turningwheel for the vertical movement of the gun comes of a small, cube-like box. At the same time, on the gun-cradle, on the loaders side, there again is a small square-shaped box on the loaders side, just in front of the bracket at the rear end.
The instructions tell you to run a 0.3 mm wire between these two square shaped boxes. there is only, an IMHO slight problem: between the two boxes is the protector (the ractangular thing with the holes in it, between the cradle and the gunner), and I have no clue how to run the wire through/past it.
So does anyone have any pictures of the loeders side of the Pak 40/L46. I have been looking around, but either they have a loader blocking the view, or are taken from the wrong side...
Apologies for the poor description.
For the rest of it, the descriptions going with the Aber set are pretty clear...
can someine please help me out ?
Thanks in advance,
Hosted by Darren Baker
reference pics for german Pak 40/L46
Posted: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 - 05:16 AM UTC