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Taesung Harmms from Alpine Miniatures informed us about his upcoming 1/35 scale figure releases for December 2015. Enjoy!
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These particular figures would fit very nicely with Panthers, Tiger Is and Pz.Kpfw.IVs, France, 1944.
And now Mr.Taesung, I'm going to bother you- PLEASE understand that the following is not meant to be critical; rather, I am writing this in great hopes that some of my suggestions will one day come to fruition...
Could we possibly get some US/Allied Infantry circa June/July/August, 1944, Morocco/Tunisia, 1942/1943, MTO, 1943/1944..? I'm referring to US Infantry in M1938 Leggings and "Parsons" Jackets, HBT and/or wool Trousers, and pre-1943 Equipment. We've seen quite a few Infantry and Tankers in M1943 Boots and M1943 Combat Jackets from ALPINE, (which are ALL WONDERFUL, by the way) but virtually none in the earlier garb that actually saw service till the end of the war. Many of the ALPINE US Infantry and Tankers are dressed in Winter, 1944/1945 Combat Uniforms. I think we all would be well-served by having US figures in the earlier, pre-M1943 articles of Combat and Utility Clothing...
NAVAL FIGURES, Please- These have been ignored throughout the modelling industry. We could use them clothed in General Service, Utility and Dress Uniforms- There is a GREAT LACK of Naval figures on the market today. What about all the US NAVY and ROYAL NAVY Beach Masters, Medics, Corpsmen and also German Medical Service personnel that were VITAL in all Armed Forces during WWII? Would be very nice to see these done in 1/35 scale...
We could also use US Army, US Marines, Brits, ANZACS (Aussies, Colonials and New Zealanders) in the Pacific, through a progression of the various Uniforms and campaigns, from 7, December, 1941 right on through to August/September, 1945...
We could use Officers in the Dress Uniforms of all Combatants and Services. WACs, WAVES, etc...
As for Allied Troops, of course, British, Australians and New Zealanders, Commonwealth and Colonials, and also French, Polish, and other Infantry, as well as PARTISANS in the various Theatres of Operations- ETO, MTO, PTO, and CBI- We see SO MANY Standing Germans- How about giving the US/Allied Troops their due credit?
We can always use German, Italian Japanese and other Axis Troops, (Officers and Generals, as well) such as Hungarians, Romanians, Spaniards, Vichy French, Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Spaniards, Dutch, etc, and PLEASE in poses other than just standing and pointing...
Perhaps we can use famous personalities:
General George S. Patton in Dress Uniform AND also coat-less, in "Pinks" and/or Khaki Cotton Shirt, Riding Breeches, "Sam Browne" Belt, "lace-up and buckled" Officers' Riding Boots,and his Ivory-Handled Revolvers, (DEFINITELY NOT PEARL-Handled) which were actually a Smith & Wesson .44, and a Colt's .45, AND his Standard UN-POLISHED M1 Steel Helmet, as he was seen in Africa, Sicily, Italy, and later, in the Summer of 1944, in Western Europe. It would be nice to see "Georgie" in his Khaki Officer's Trench Coat and his unpolished helmet... He would be well posed standing, specifically in AFV CLUB's Dodge WC57 Command Car, or arms akimbo, in Africa, Sicily or Italy, with his "War Face" on...
General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his signature OD "Ike" Jacket and world-famous grin, OD Wool Service Trousers, and Wool OD Peaked Service Cap. The plastic TAMIYA "Ike" doesn't do the man ANY justice...
General Omar Bradley, which to my knowledge has NEVER been done in plastic, OR resin, in any scale.
General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Chester Nimitz are also missing in the line of quality resin figures.
General Theodore Roosevelt II, leading his Troops at Utah Beach...
Generals John Collins, Cota, McAuliffe, Gavin, Maury Rose, Hodges, Taylor, Vandegrift, and a great host of others...
John Basilone, Eugene Sledge, Robert Leckie, Audy Murphy...
Various US and RAF Fighter Aces...
Rommel and Wittmann have been done dozens of times, in various garb, so I think this is a moot point. However, noticeably absent are figures of "Uncle Adolf", Goering, in his various Uniforms, Ribbentrop, Hess, Himmler, Speer, Udet, Raeder, Doenitz, Galland, Rudel, Moelders, Marseille, Guderian, Model, von Rundstedt, Milch, and a plethora of others, preferably in Pre-War Uniforms...
PLEASE, as far as Infantry are concerned, some "action poses" and also in more casual poses, such as "at work", "at rest" and in other poses as well, such as eating, sleeping, sitting/riding/driving in Transport Vehicles" reading and writing, standing in "chow lines", smoking, joking, occupied in "route march", and "on patrol"... "House-to-House" would be nice, with US/Allied Troops cautiously searching out the enemy in the Mediterranean, Western Europe, Germany, and finally in the Philippines...
The same can be said for Soviet Troops in Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and finally in Germany, all the way through to Berlin, 1945...
Lest I forget, we could use figures of all combatants engaged in the early course of World War II, 1939 through 1942/1943...
Mr. Taesung, there is virtually an ENTIRE GALAXY of possibilities out there for you, and with your ability to produce such life-like figurines, you are assured to have a very willing line of more customers...
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your patience...