That's true.. of course brass rod will look better, no contest

But, what highly skilled modelers like yourself need to realize is that the larger majority of modelers are beginners to intermediate, as I believe is the case in all hobbies.. only a small percentage of modelers are advanced with high skills.. and if I managed a modelling company, I would make kits the majority of people can build.. and the smaller percentage of advanced modelers will always have the option to get a metal set to get that "perfect" look they need to achieve... If they did it the other way around, average modelers, like me, will not have the option to go out and buy a plastic set of bar armor for their kits.. and we will just have to pass on that kit.
Sorry for rambling on.. but this subject comes up a lot and highly skilled modelers are always saying "but it's really easy to put it together".. I'm sure it is easy for you.. but believe me it's not easy for a lot of people like me

This is Tiger-Model's Nagmachon... I think it looks pretty good, even with a close up shot

I guess this issue will never really be resolved.. advanced modelers want kits with all the extra metal stuff.. and average modelers want kits with plastic parts they can build with relative ease.