As a "rule of thumb" I've used for many years, the thinner the paint and the lower the pressure, the less over-spray you'll have. For Tamiya paints (which tend to dry very quickly), try thinning them down to %70 thinner and 30% paint (I've even gone down to 80/20 at times). Turn your pressure way down, as low as 7-8 PSI (I think about 1/2 BAR or more) and see how that works out. You'll probably have to experiment a bit. It should give you a thin mixture that you can build up to a fairly even coat, without the "over-spray". A lot also depends on the type of airbrush and the type of compressor you use. A tank type compressor is best, because the pressure can be maintained evenly without the pulsating common in tankless units. The pulsating causes uneven air flow in the brush, as the diaphragm is compressed, so it tends to "spit" a little more. It really depends on the compressor, I've seen some tankless types that do a great job. VR, Russ