Today I'm starting my build of the AFV Club M88 Nam. This is the original gasoline powered version of the M88, I have plans to use this in a diorama in Taiwanese service along the AFV Club CM11 (Here's my build log of that if you're interested (

I plan to build this out of the box, and as with my CM11 build, I will be showing the sprues and instructions as they come up in the build. If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to ask! First I want to show the great job nolajewelryandcollectibles from ebay did on packaging the kit, despite being over a decade old it was still in mint condition! I'd also like to apologize in advance for the crappy phone pictures

Here are Steps 1-4

And the hull, and Sprues A,B,C and D

Here's the final result of today's work, it's not much at all, really I couldn't wait until tomorrow to get my feet wet but I'll have more work to show by the end of week. Thanks for reading, Happy Holidays!