Today I went to the LHS to buy some stuff in order to be able to advance with the build of my Sd.Kfz 250/1 "Alte". As always, I could not resist the urge to look at the kits there... I also noted a local toy-store having a sale, a store I know has model-kits. So I looked and was barely able to resist the urge to buy some of these kits outright... but it still left me with a number of questions...
- At my LHS they had both the Techmod and Mirage Pz. Kfw. II Ausf. L "Luchs". A I have not found a review on them yet, I would like to knwo what those of you who have built it think of these kits, or of someone knows a review.
- At the toystore, they had the Revell Sd.Kfz. 250/3 Greif "Alte" for sale for about €12,- . Does anyone have any comments on this kit ? I also would like to know if this kit is suitable for a conversion, as most of the conversion-sets available that I have seen are either for the DML or Tamiya model. And I would rather cut up a € 12,- model then a € 30 model (the DML kit).
Thanks in advance,