I have three questions:
There was a section of two medium tanks (for the battalion commander and his XO) in the Headquarters company numbered 18 and 19. Was the battalion commander's tank usually number 19?
My interest is piqued because of this photo:

Could this be the 15th Tank Battalion commander's tank?
I ask because I am eventually planning on constructing a model of this tank, or a similar one, using Tamiya's new M4A3E8 and "scavenged" front and side plates from their M4A3 "Frontline Breakthrough"
The three howitzer Shermans in the HQ used 15 through 17. I have seen a half track numbered 13, but if it was part of the mortar platoon of three halftracks, that would leave one number left over (presumably number 11) What vehicle would have used this extra number?
Also, how were the jeeps, trucks, and other halftracks in the 6th Armored Division numbered if 11-97 (save 20, 40, and 60) were already taken?
I've attached an organization chart of a typical tank battalion (post-November 1944) here