I confess to being a bad boy and not updating my build log regularly.
But it looks like I'm done for now.
Here's the last progress after the last update:
Added the black stripes in between some of the color blobs with a permanent marker. Then I put on a first wash but unfortunately the thinner didn't go well with the black paint. But I thought it wasn't too bad and I think it's not too obvious at the end.

Then a coat of future to prepare for the declas and seal everything off.

After decals and flat varnish I gave each color an individual drybrush with the respective lightened color. Tracks were painted wiht Humbrol Chocolate Brown and drybrushed with bare metal color.

Then I added the dirt, which I make up from what Wikipedia translates as
wheatpaste, a powedery substance you add water to and when it dries it gives structure. Added soe bird sand and pigments for color, as well as some static grass.
Originally I wanted to make a realtively light dirt around the tracks, but I wasn't satisfied with the first loo, especially as it looked very dried and I wanted to give it a shiny wet look. So I added another layer and finally had to go over it with pure model master gloss...
And here's what I call the final result:

So, final word on the kit?
It certainly is a gem to build and if you don't mind the inaccuracy around the driver's compartment it's a great kit. However, I am a bit puzzled by the choice of options in the kit. The addition of the flatbed trailer is a nice touch, but without a full interior a waste of plastic in my opinion. Also, the MkI seems to have been used on the western front with the grenade screen only, so it's a pity that this wasn't included, especially since it is available in the female kit. One may argue that there is no marking option for the western front but only for a museum vehicle (for which the side drawings are), but I find that a rather strange argument.
So, all in all, I would give it an 80%. On the negative side are the driver's compartment, the missing grenade screen and the strange choice of marking options. On the positive I would list the magnificient engineering, buildability and the tracks. I cerainly had fun wiht this one!