1st dio was the one that won 1st, i think you knew about this one but im not sure, its of some american troops moving through a field in normandy after d-day, they are moving towards a ruined barn that has some germans sitting in it drinking wine, this one is called the dangers of alchohol
The next is my Coverup dio, i never really desciribed it but i told you about it (these arent very secret yet are they #:-) ) well it has a trench going along it with a german Mg team in it, behind the trench is a ruined building where some ruskis are about to ambush the germans, this is caleld Ambush At Stalingrad.
The Next is the one i havent told you about, the one i am working on now
It is a group of Marines Fighting in Saigon during the Tet Offensive
They are moving down a road when they have come under fire from some Vc that were around the corner, i have made some buidlings, a wall (still have to make some palms) made up a dead VC from various parts from diffrerent kits( had to melt his legs a bit to bend them into a "laying flat" pose, i also made 2 marines from various parts, which i am very pleased with the otucome, now behind the group of marines i am having tamiyas M48 Patton moving along to assist, this shall be my best dio yet! :-)
Now after that one is finished, i am going to do to more Nam dios, now there is no way i can do what i have done in the past and say im gonna do them but never do it, because today i went out and bought the stuff for them
I will do another one of tet offensive, similar thing, fighting in the city, this time Hue, But this Idea i got from the movie FULL METAL JACKET, the M41 will be parked, firing randomly at buildings, marines will be resiting amoungst the rubble, and a film crew will be walking allong interviewing some marines, that one is still on the drawing board.
The Next one, i will be mentioning in another post, as i need help with it
Well then thats what i ahve been up to lately, cheers