my dad just gave me his Paasche VL double action airbursh.
its brand new never ever used yet.
so he made me really happy his also has a Paasche single action but i took the vl lol.
cause i know that with the double action i can do camo and all that cool stuff.
how hard is a double action airbrush 2 use i have only used single actions ones.
thanks guys.
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my dad just gave me airbrush


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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 05:11 AM UTC


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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 07:46 AM UTC
Tazz I too use the paashe VL and it is a nice piece of work. It is very easy to use and the only nit pick I have is it is a bit harder to clean then the single. But once you know your way around the AB it is not a problem.


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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 10:04 AM UTC
I just picked up a paasche VL set also to go along with my aztec 470. Should be fun figuring it out. Double Action are very easy to use just abit of practice and you will be on your way.


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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 10:22 AM UTC
Yeah.. practice practice .... Be sure to practice on spare parts first!Try to get used to it using water instead of paint!


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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 12:05 PM UTC
You will love your new double action a/b. I have the Aztec 470, --- and this tool, (like your Paasche), will allow you to blend colors, and fade ever so slightly with just a wisp of paint---They are great---Congrats!!!
You will love your new double action a/b. I have the Aztec 470, --- and this tool, (like your Paasche), will allow you to blend colors, and fade ever so slightly with just a wisp of paint---They are great---Congrats!!!


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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 03:15 PM UTC
Good for you Tazz!
Like thew guys have said, just do some practicing on scrap parts and you'll be a pro in no time.



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Posted: Sunday, February 01, 2004 - 01:24 PM UTC
Got one of those babies, too! And I love it! (It was my first and we always remember our first.) Like suggested, practice lots on something you don't care about before trying it on something that you do!!!!!! :-)


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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2004 - 11:03 AM UTC
Congratulations on the AB. I got one of those when I was 14, and I've never seen the need to change (I'm 28 now). Just clean in the same direction the paint flows: back to front. Have fun!
Oh, if you're worried about the double action being hard to use, don't be. There's a little screw right in front of the trigger assmebly on the top of the AB body that you can use to set the paint level - it basically makes it operate like a single action, if you choose.
Oh, if you're worried about the double action being hard to use, don't be. There's a little screw right in front of the trigger assmebly on the top of the AB body that you can use to set the paint level - it basically makes it operate like a single action, if you choose.

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