For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Mario Matijasic
For You to Decide
Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 01:12 AM UTC
With a number of companies now following the same line of releasing news of an up and coming model, but not telling you what it is, I am asking you the members what you want us to do about them. I came in for some criticism for running the latest MiniArt news story where they tell us what it will include, but not what the model is. I have noted today that Takom has done the same thing by releasing a news story that consists of three camouflaged question marks. So do you want this type of story run or not?
Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 01:24 AM UTC
I'd say that sort of thing isn't news, it's "Coming up - News!" and isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Hang until something substantive comes in and you'll be doing us a favour. It might even stop this sort of silliness.
Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 01:26 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I'd say that sort of thing isn't news, it's "Coming up - News!" and isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Hang until something substantive comes in and you'll be doing us a favour. It might even stop this sort of silliness.
I agree.


Joined: August 22, 2013
KitMaker: 675 posts
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 01:33 AM UTC
Agreed . It's annoying
...of course nothing to do with Armorama -- I also find the new deal of showing the CAD drawings only with no actual plastic .
That leaves more questions than answers ..
...of course nothing to do with Armorama -- I also find the new deal of showing the CAD drawings only with no actual plastic .
That leaves more questions than answers ..


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 02:15 AM UTC
Quoted Text
. . . I am asking you the members what you want us to do about them. I came in for some criticism for running the latest MiniArt news story . . .
Thing 1, you should ignore this sort of criticism. If people have a problem they can contact the model company. I guess you could argue whether you should have this as a site-initiated news item, but what [auto-censored]ing difference does it make if you do or not? You didn't create the thing, the company did. Besides, if you hadn't posted it someone else would've as one of those pointless guessing game threads.
If you want something actionable about news items, you guys can work on making the titles sensible and relevant to the subject.


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 02:22 AM UTC
I agree with the posts above. These type of "/news announcements" with no substance are useless. I don't think the site should run them since they tell us nothing at all.


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 02:26 AM UTC
Let's have a poll...
Hands up, anyone who found one of these mystery announcements useful.
Hands up, anyone who found one of these mystery announcements useful.


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:07 AM UTC
It's just an announcement for a future announcement!


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:23 AM UTC
I too agree with the above. These announcements, while announcing that the company has something new in the works, tell us nothing and ultimately leave us no more informed than we were before. I'm not harping on Armorama, you just distribute the news given, but the companies should be giving us more substantial news so that we can anticipate whats coming and actually be excited for it. So I vote for not putting out news stories until there's an announcement that tells what kit is coming.


Joined: February 01, 2010
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:24 AM UTC
I for one do not have a problem with this type of announcement. I'm a big boy and I know what it is! If I don't like it I can just ignore it. I don't get where 'some folks' get their noses all out of joint - it's the internet - open to all. Why on earth should I expect to personally own it and have it conform to my prejudices?
In this case I found it intriguing in that it mentioned 1. Tank 2. Torsion bars and 3. Never kitted, and it got me thinking. If you aren't interested at all then 'Move along! Nothing to see here'.
P.S. I'll bet you get criticized whatever you do. Frankly I don't envy your 'job' - but I do appreciate it! Thanks for asking.
In this case I found it intriguing in that it mentioned 1. Tank 2. Torsion bars and 3. Never kitted, and it got me thinking. If you aren't interested at all then 'Move along! Nothing to see here'.
P.S. I'll bet you get criticized whatever you do. Frankly I don't envy your 'job' - but I do appreciate it! Thanks for asking.


Joined: June 28, 2015
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:27 AM UTC
Quoted Text
With a number of companies now following the same line of releasing news of an up and coming model, but not telling you what it is, I am asking you the members what you want us to do about them. I came in for some criticism for running the latest MiniArt news story where they tell us what it will include, but not what the model is. I have noted today that Takom has done the same thing by releasing a news story that consists of three camouflaged question marks. So do you want this type of story run or not?
It wont make me surprise since meng did their first guessing action when they made their business. What makes me think weird is that more and more companies are focused one eye catching and making extra effort on giving us more 3D illustrators. not a model in real. This is normal in a decade we are living now...But here is my quesiton.....How long will this king of promoting method will keep its effect? or we people just like this kind of thing to kill time? We cant blame brands doing commercial acts. But personally.....dont think it is good for us developing this hobby to a hobby level or let next generation keep their motivation on hobby. not just watching dramas.


Joined: August 15, 2014
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:34 AM UTC
If publishing those kind of announcements can bring those companies to advertise on this great site, or bring them to provide kits for reviews or any marketing benefit for you as an administrator (owner?), I say go and publish them.
Personally, I don't see the point in that kind of company marketing. Yeah, you are plastic modelling company and you produce plastic kits. Yeah, we know that you are always producing something new. That kind of teasers would make sense if you guys plan a whole new products, dunno, like shoe insoles or something.
Personally, I don't see the point in that kind of company marketing. Yeah, you are plastic modelling company and you produce plastic kits. Yeah, we know that you are always producing something new. That kind of teasers would make sense if you guys plan a whole new products, dunno, like shoe insoles or something.


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:41 AM UTC
I agree with Nick. If you don't like it, go on to the next item, but don't blame this site for releasing a news flash from a manufacturer. In this instance, even though there was little info, I will now be looking for the full news when MiniArt does release it mainly because I like their kits. This isn't much different than when you hear that some company is "looking into" releasing a certain kit, and its' months, or never, before we ever hear about it again.


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:52 AM UTC
If you start deciding what news is published and what isn't, then there's a danger that the company concerned will just stop including this site on future releases.
I didn't actually open the file, but judging by the number of replies on the original thread I'd say that it achieved everything they wanted and got people talking about them!
I didn't actually open the file, but judging by the number of replies on the original thread I'd say that it achieved everything they wanted and got people talking about them!


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 03:57 AM UTC
Quoted Text
I for one do not have a problem with this type of announcement. I'm a big boy and I know what it is! If I don't like it I can just ignore it. I don't get where 'some folks' get their noses all out of joint - it's the internet - open to all. Why on earth should I expect to personally own it and have it conform to my prejudices?
In this case I found it intriguing in that it mentioned 1. Tank 2. Torsion bars and 3. Never kitted, and it got me thinking. If you aren't interested at all then 'Move along! Nothing to see here'.
P.S. I'll bet you get criticized whatever you do. Frankly I don't envy your 'job' - but I do appreciate it! Thanks for asking.
I completely agree with this. If you don't like the advertisement.. Move on. No harm no foul. Companies do try different ways to drum up interest in their new things they are trying to market.


Joined: January 18, 2003
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 04:08 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Let's have a poll...
Hands up, anyone who found one of these mystery announcements useful.
OK, if that's the criteria . . .
Who finds any wishlist thread to be useful? No one? OK, delete them immediately upon discovery.
Who finds posts about what a modeler would like instead of what is being announced to be useful? Still no one? OK, delete them immediately upon discovery.
Who finds discussions of arcane minutiae of a particular model or tank type to be useful? A few people, but far from a majority of those on the site. OK then, delete them immediately upon discovery.
Who finds simple gallery entries of completed models to be useful? Maybe a few people, but far from a majority of those on the site. OK then, delete them immediately upon discovery.
We could go on and on eliminating everything that isn't definitively useful to a majority of the readers until there's nothing left, or we could just stop treating the existence of posts we don't like as if it was something that mattered. Who's in favor of that?
Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 05:00 AM UTC
Before anyone thinks I am having a dig because I was criticised, I am not. I actually think members should question staff when something occurs that they do not like and in my case it helps keep me on my toes. I also want the members of the site to have some say in how the site works so that we provide something everyone wants, even if that is not always the case. I am very aware that the staff on the network will never keep everyone happy, but we do want to try and keep most of the members happy.


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 05:20 AM UTC
Quoted Text
OK, if that's the criteria . . .
Who finds any wishlist thread to be useful?
Sorry, was that a vote?


Joined: January 08, 2012
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 05:23 AM UTC
I'm still waiting for Meng's Scud



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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 05:41 AM UTC
Continue publishing them.
They are not the most useful of posts but they are not a nuisance either.
If you were to delete everything that isn't useful to everyone there soon wouldn't be anything left for anyone to read.
It definitely got me interested in what it could be that Miniart is working on. There is some amusement to be had from the 'guessing games' threads as well, something to do while the paint is drying ...
If some company or other picks up an idea from one of those "useless" threads about what modelers would like to see as a model then maybe we get some benefit from it after all ...
If I'm not interested in a thread I move on to the next one.
As the saying goes: Damned if you do, damned if you don't ...
/ Robin
Hummm, maybe I should publish a video on Youtube showing how the paint dries on my next build ???
They are not the most useful of posts but they are not a nuisance either.
If you were to delete everything that isn't useful to everyone there soon wouldn't be anything left for anyone to read.
It definitely got me interested in what it could be that Miniart is working on. There is some amusement to be had from the 'guessing games' threads as well, something to do while the paint is drying ...
If some company or other picks up an idea from one of those "useless" threads about what modelers would like to see as a model then maybe we get some benefit from it after all ...
If I'm not interested in a thread I move on to the next one.
As the saying goes: Damned if you do, damned if you don't ...
/ Robin
Hummm, maybe I should publish a video on Youtube showing how the paint dries on my next build ???


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 08:33 AM UTC
In a word : no.


Joined: December 30, 2005
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 01:30 PM UTC
I'll put my vote in the publish camp.
There will always be the nay sayers and critics, and they do tend to be more vocal than the rest of the pack, but they are fewer in number. Taking a quick look at the offending post in the first 24 hours there were over 1000 views and about 50 comments, even if half of those were negative, that is less than 3 percent of the readership! I for one would be very disappointed if the editorial policy of Armorama was dictated by the minority.
If you don't like what you are reading, just click that little red 'X' in the top right hand corner, it's as simple as that, try it, it works wonders.
I think, rather criticism, Darren deserved our praises and thanks for all the work he does for Armorama, which would a far poorer site if it were not for him. Many thanks Darren for all that you do, most of which I guess we don't see. Thank you Darren.
Yes please, it would be better than the stuff the grand-kids watch
There will always be the nay sayers and critics, and they do tend to be more vocal than the rest of the pack, but they are fewer in number. Taking a quick look at the offending post in the first 24 hours there were over 1000 views and about 50 comments, even if half of those were negative, that is less than 3 percent of the readership! I for one would be very disappointed if the editorial policy of Armorama was dictated by the minority.
If you don't like what you are reading, just click that little red 'X' in the top right hand corner, it's as simple as that, try it, it works wonders.
I think, rather criticism, Darren deserved our praises and thanks for all the work he does for Armorama, which would a far poorer site if it were not for him. Many thanks Darren for all that you do, most of which I guess we don't see. Thank you Darren.
Quoted Text
Hummm, maybe I should publish a video on Youtube showing how the paint dries on my next build ???
Yes please, it would be better than the stuff the grand-kids watch


Joined: August 08, 2010
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 01:53 PM UTC
My inital thought on viewing the "announcement" was why bother?
Having read the various contributions to the thread and givinig it some further thought -Who reads every thread anyway? I sure as hell dont -and especially so in"News" section!
So I'm not going to get exorcised about a news item in a HOBBY! Leave those that make decisions that may or may not impact commerical issues worry about it i.e. the companies themselves.
Carry on as you have Darren,and thank you for all your efforts.
Having read the various contributions to the thread and givinig it some further thought -Who reads every thread anyway? I sure as hell dont -and especially so in"News" section!
So I'm not going to get exorcised about a news item in a HOBBY! Leave those that make decisions that may or may not impact commerical issues worry about it i.e. the companies themselves.
Carry on as you have Darren,and thank you for all your efforts.


Joined: September 26, 2015
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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 02:04 PM UTC
Frankly, I haven't any problem.
This happens all the time regardless of industry, the only difference being Miniart taking the labour of putting together a roughly one minute video. Normally, we'll see a blog entry or poster that'll take less than five seconds to read, then everyone moves on or expresses their anticipation.
You'll have to compare what happened to Armorama to other sites, including Miniart's own social media accounts, in order to gauge whether the reaction of some folks here has been needlessly hostile.
This happens all the time regardless of industry, the only difference being Miniart taking the labour of putting together a roughly one minute video. Normally, we'll see a blog entry or poster that'll take less than five seconds to read, then everyone moves on or expresses their anticipation.
You'll have to compare what happened to Armorama to other sites, including Miniart's own social media accounts, in order to gauge whether the reaction of some folks here has been needlessly hostile.


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Posted: Friday, January 15, 2016 - 02:05 PM UTC
Although I do not like at all this kind of marketing, such announcements here usually generate a lot of messages as people finds funny trying to guess it -and that is fine for me! I just do not follow these discussions.
So I would say you should not stop informing
So I would say you should not stop informing
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