Be that as it may, I now would like to go the other way and congratulate the folks at this company for re-releasing their German E-100 kit. Just picked one up yesterday at the hobby shop. Been wanting to get one of these ever since I got back into modling around 6 or 7 years ago and was very plesed when I was told by my dealer than he could get me one at a very good price. Very nice. Very nice indeed.
And I look forward to building this vehicle one of these days down the road--who knows exactly when. Right now, like a fine bottle of wine, it has taken its righful place under the bed to collect it's share of cat hair and dust, being taken out every now and then, opened up and sniffed, just to show my respect. Ha, ha! Now we need a re-issue of the Maus as well. But all in good time......
Take care, Sgirty