I realize what you are up against here and you can try the following things.
Railways generally have "spills" of some sort along their right of ways where trains have been stopped and something seeped out of an opening in a rail car. You could place a small pile of sand, or a white or other colored powdered pile to simulate a spilled chemical of some sort.
Then you can add a few weeds here and there--not too many, as most railways were sprayed with oil to keep weed/foliage growth down. Try to vary the size and color of the weeds.
Also try adding some different coarse gravel material to the molded roadbed that came with the Leo. Your local hobby shop should have several different colors and textures (sizes) of road bed gravel that will add some contrast to that molded in look.
Lastly, add some garbage in a few spots, a couple old barrels, or pieces of railroad rail or a pile of old ties.
Good luck.