If you haven't noticed, USPS recently raised their shipping rates. Unfortunately, this cost has to be passed on to my customers. However, due to other things going on in my life, I won't have a chance to update the shipping on items in the E-bay store until Monday 22 FEB 16. That gives you, the modeling public a chance to get the lower shipping rates until Monday afternoon. At this point the only item with the new shipping rate is DM-060 British MK I's. Thanks to the critique of Alpha 6 on Armorama, I have updated the sheet considerably. So, until I update the store, shipping inside the U.S. is $5.05 and US$6.00 international. Once the update is done, U.S. shipping will be $6.45 (via priority mail) and U.S.$7.00 for international packages. Please note, that these price are for the ENTIRE order, not per piece. http://stores.ebay.com/Decalcomaniacs