Does anybody else do this?
Connecticut, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 05:49 AM UTC
This is a hobby. Its supposed to be fun. If you aren't having fun, you're doing something wrong.
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Rhode Island, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 06:10 AM UTC
Only when the wife's not home....
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Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 06:25 AM UTC
If they demand your loyalty, give them integrity; if they demand integrity, give them your loyalty.--Col John Boyd, USAF
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 06:45 AM UTC
I see no thing wrong in it. Sounds like a method that could work to stimulate various paint mixing centres of the mind!
For example, go in the yard or someplace, and observe the colour of a painted metal shed, or a bicycle, tool, anything that is painted. Go mix a batch of what you thing it was, and go see how close you came to matching it. Could be a great experiment indeed!
European Union
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 06:46 AM UTC
You're not alone. I sometime see a random object and wonder what paint colour (but usually with VNC instead of Tamiya) it would be closest to.
Never gonna' give EU up, never gonna' let EU down.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 06:47 AM UTC
Recently, I was trying to paint some Oakleaf camo and for a few days after, I imagined putting little dots on everything. It just means that you have a passion!
Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 07:37 AM UTC
Not so much with colors & paint, but more with things that I could adapt for use in dioramas. I've been "caught" in the sewing or wedding materials sections at a craft store. I've bought items at grocery stores just for the container. I've even gone so far as to carry a couple 1/35 figures in my pocket so I can gauge whether something would work. I'm fairly certain there's some psych diagnosis for this, but I choose to ignore it.
Even my pick-up is panzer grey.
Utah, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 08:22 AM UTC
I sure hope that it is perfectly normal...I find myself looking at rust on different types of metals, paint chipping on industrial vehicles, and worn and faded paint patterns on multi-faceted objects such as fire hydrants. I do draw the line at whipping out the cellphone on a crowded street to take a pic of rust and paint wear for later reference. That may be taking the 'passion' too far!
A bonus to taking note of real life colors and weathering when out and about is that it beats getting caught by the wife observing the local 'fauna.'
Build 'em better than the box art!
TOS ModeratorStockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 03:24 PM UTC
Yep, but I won't admit it in public
In memory of Al Superczynski:
"Build what YOU want, the way YOU want to....
and the critics will flame you every time"
Arkansas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, February 20, 2016 - 03:45 PM UTC
It may be a sign of obsession. But, what is wrong with a little obsession? My problem is worse. I see a kit I want. I buy the kit I want. I stash the kit I want. And, I don't check my wallet first.
Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.
Connecticut, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 03:11 AM UTC
I'm feeling much more normal. Thank you.
This is a hobby. Its supposed to be fun. If you aren't having fun, you're doing something wrong.
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 05:19 AM UTC
Umm... what was the question again?
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 05:57 AM UTC
i dont think about the color mix but i check every scratch,rust,damage etc...and i think how i can reproduct them...
New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 12:01 PM UTC
I pay virtually NO ATTENTION to kits' painting instructions- I source "correct" colors from books, manuals and the real thing, particularly when it comes to UNIFORMS. Invariably, the colors (paint numbers) are WRONG, when compared to the real article. I custom-mix ALL of my paint colors on an "as needed" basis, using mostly TESTORS Model Master II Enamels and GRUMBACHER or WINSOR-NEWTON Oils...
California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 21, 2016 - 12:42 PM UTC
I don't typically contemplate colors, but I mentally run through construction steps all the time! We all know model instructions *SUCK* when it comes to construction order that makes sense. So whenever I'm bored my mind drifts off to a current or future build. Usually a combination of what can be glued first versus what must be painted first, what needs filler/detail added and in what order, what can be OOB versus what needs additional attention. Supposedly this means bench time is more constructive but probably is more indicative of a sick mind that just has to stay preoccupied...
New York, United States
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Posted: Thursday, February 25, 2016 - 06:34 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I don't typically contemplate colors, but I mentally run through construction steps all the time! We all know model instructions *SUCK* when it comes to construction order that makes sense. So whenever I'm bored my mind drifts off to a current or future build. Usually a combination of what can be glued first versus what must be painted first, what needs filler/detail added and in what order, what can be OOB versus what needs additional attention. Supposedly this means bench time is more constructive but probably is more indicative of a sick mind that just has to stay preoccupied...
The "sicker" the mind, the "better" the model!
Florida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, February 25, 2016 - 06:53 PM UTC
Way better life with a modeling knife in one hand and a beer in the other (in between gluing of course)!
IPMS number 506
AMPS number 711
New York, United States
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Posted: Thursday, February 25, 2016 - 07:12 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Way better life with a modeling knife in one hand and a beer in the other (in between gluing of course)!
PS- NICE 'Vette!!!