All right, I'll bite as well:
USMC M1161 "Growler" ITV-LSV(3) 4-Door. It's the only remaining modern USMC MEU(SOC) vehicle in use that has NOT been made into a kit yet. (We have 1/35 LAVs, M1A1s, MTVRs, AAVs, HMMWVs, M-ATVs, etc. Where's the USMC ITV?)
- There are new modern 1/35 2015 Marine figures now (Assault Models) so the figures have caught up in time.
- It is kind of the replacement to the M151 Jeep and Mercedes G ITV. So if any vendor wants to continue the tradition of the M151 4X4, make the M1161.
- It can double as a mortar tower, troop transport, LSV, litter carrier, and fire support vehicle...multiple kit purposes (and fits in the V-22).
USSOCOM General Dynamics Flyer 60 or 72 ITV US Spec Ops ITV. Imagine, any US SOF diorama for the next decade or more will use the Flyer 60 or 72 ITV. So making a kit of this will dominate the 1/35 US SOF vehicle market for a long time.
- Modelers want FAVs. Forget the out-of-service 1/35 Chenowth SEAL DPV...didn't happen. Make the newest USSOCOM vehicle...make THIS instead.
- There are quite a lot of modern 1/35 US SOF figures on the market today, but hardly any USSOCOM 1/35 vehicles. So if one has 1/35 SOF figures, one might want to buy this also.
- Can act as a litter carrier, LSV, fire-support vehicle, troop transport, etc., meaning many functions from one vehicle.
1/35 Combat Rubber Raiding Craft (with troops)
- Besides the HobbyFan one, this is really quite easy to make.
- The CRRC hardly goes out of date. A modern CRRC kit can last for ages with resin aftermarket providing the needed upgrades over time.
- Can produce updated Frogmen figures.
- Almost any SOF or Maritime intervention uses CRRC. Imagine the possibility of figures! Can use NATO, Coast Guard, SOF, SEALs, Park Rangers, civilians, etc. to fit in this CRRC.
- Don't make it with a water base like HobbyFan's. Make it "dry" out of the water, or have an option of one in the water and one out of the water.
I've more suggestions that I might add to this post later.