Armor/AFV: Vietnam
All things Vietnam
Hosted by Darren Baker
Eduard PE set for the Dragon M274 Mule
Joined: December 18, 2001
KitMaker: 12,596 posts
Armorama: 9,071 posts
Posted: Monday, February 02, 2004 - 01:07 PM UTC
Being a fan of the little truck, I was amazed that the new Dragon photoetch set came in under my radar screen. I ran across a set at my local hobby shop yesterday. One small fret for the small vehicle is designed for the recoilless rifle variant, but could be used on the flat bed version by omitting the recoilless rifle parts (duh).

Not much to the kit so there's not much to the PE fret. Basically some parts to dress up the engine, wheels, controls, seat, bed, recoilless rifle, 106mm round, and parts for the Marine soldiers like chin straps, M16 rifle strap, M16 sight, wrist watch and dog tags.

I bought a set for under $10 and it is #35643.