Armor/AFV: Allied - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Allied forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
M26 pershing lighting holes on sprockets.
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Ontario, Canada
Joined: July 20, 2002
KitMaker: 281 posts
Armorama: 226 posts
Posted: Friday, March 04, 2016 - 09:30 PM UTC
Hi Everyone

When where the lighting holes done on the M26 Pershing drive sprockets and how many holes. Was it when it first went to war in WW2 or just before the Korean war.

Is there any after market sprockets with the holes.

I'm trying to finish an old scratch build of mine of the T84 8" Howitzer Motor Carriage. I have about 5 pictures and it is hard to tell on the dark shadows and angle of the picture. One of the picture you can almost see them.

Thank you for any help,

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North Carolina, United States
Joined: September 16, 2004
KitMaker: 1,281 posts
Armorama: 1,222 posts
Posted: Friday, March 04, 2016 - 09:51 PM UTC
It's written in Italian but the images should be of use.

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Ontario, Canada
Joined: July 20, 2002
KitMaker: 281 posts
Armorama: 226 posts
Posted: Saturday, March 05, 2016 - 02:32 AM UTC
Hi Chris

Thank you very much.

The site of the TM is just what I was looking for how may holes.

