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ICM has been in touch and provided Armorama with news of a new set of World War 1 infantry. This time around it is the French in 1916 getting the ICM treatment.
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VERY NICE!!! MORE of this kind of thing is quite in order...
As a US fan, I'd like to see more US Doughboys and US Marines- St.Mihiel, Sgt. York at Belleau Wood and related figurines. US WWI Tankers, with Lt. Col. George S. Patton, which would go great with MENG's FT-17 kits, and possibly some other notables, such as Captains Harry Truman and Eddy Rickenbacker, and Brig. Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Yes, no..? Maybe ICM could expand their line by doing some American Civil War subjects as well..? Napoleonics, of ALL nations, please... And for good measure, more 1/24 cars & trucks, as well...
As for WWII GIs and Marines, I'd like to see the GIs in pre-M1943 Uniforms, i.e, Parsons Jackets, M1938 Leggings, as seen up to late 1944- so many of the figures of GIs are seen in the M1943 Boots, Jackets & Trousers. Many GIs were seen right up to and after VE Day in pre-M1943 garb. Also, US Marines in M1 Helmets WITHOUT the Camouflaged Helmet Covers, with and without the M1938 Leggings, a la Guadalcanal, Gloucester, etc... Anybody agree..? Casual and "action" poses, please...
I wish WARRIORS were still in business...
WARRIORS' "CHARGE!!!" vignette of WWII Polish Lancers charging on Horseback, and their "BANZAI!!!" vignette of WWII Japanese Infantry charging in a "Banzai"-attack were SUPERB! I really miss WARRIORS' WWII US Heads sets...