Bret, our crews were able to stow alot in the baskets.Behind me(gunner) I had plenty of room for an ordinary duffle bag. farther back,on the same side, the TC could put a smaller bag.
to the left of the ventilator, 2 duffle bags could fit side by side.
Behind the loader, was room for 1 more duffle bag usually,in the gap between the grenade launchers and turret,we often woul hang our galoshes boots,big rubber things which fit over our regular shoes.
Sleeping bag rolls, I would hang mine,on the front edge of the basket facing towards my hatch.They had a weird strap system, which allowed us to strpa them in many ways.Another sleeping bag roll, would go in that small open area,behind the searchlight mount on the basket. The opening was only large enough for that.
Odften, my crew would strap 2 sleeping rolls to and on the seachlight mount on the back, or on that metal frame to the left of the ventilator. We NEVER put anything on the sides of the rack, as just passing through the bush, would strip that stuff off.
Once we started tying down an empty ammo box,over where a travel lock would have been on the back deck, we could often put some items like bags in there.
My tank, strapped the camo net bag ontop of the missle transmitter housing, using the two lifting rings on top there. Sometimes we would put the long narrow bag with the camo net poles standing up in unused bustle rack area, or across the back of the turret, behind the cupola.
By '77 ish, we had added 2 5 gallon oil cans behind the loader,on the outside of the bustle rack.One, in the mirror position of the standard water can on the gunner's side, and the other on the face of the rack behind the loader's hatch.