1 BMP3 from some easter European brand, don't remember which one!
2 Panda's M-ATV
For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
For discussions on tanks, artillery, jeeps, etc.
Hosted by Darren Baker, Mario Matijasic
Absolute worst model kit you encountered?


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 06:29 PM UTC
Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 06:42 PM UTC
For me I think it would Modelcraft of Canada's (if memory serves correctly IRT company) 1/35 LVTA5. From bow to stern it was horrible. I picked it up way back when it was the only game in town.
The driver and A-driver stations are switched, there is hardly anything in the way of detail on the surface nor in the open top turret. Probably the most glarine error was the tracks. LVTs have a distinct "W" grouser but the kit didn't bother with any of that either. I think it had molded on rubber pads - didn't come anywhere near looking the part.
The driver and A-driver stations are switched, there is hardly anything in the way of detail on the surface nor in the open top turret. Probably the most glarine error was the tracks. LVTs have a distinct "W" grouser but the kit didn't bother with any of that either. I think it had molded on rubber pads - didn't come anywhere near looking the part.

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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 06:51 PM UTC
Hi All,
One of the few kits I've "binned" over the past 30 years was the Alan SU-76. IIRC the front plate is actually 1:1 scale thickness! Nothing and I do mean nothing fits and the plastic can not be glued with regular glue. A true nightmare. Having built 2 Tauro A7V's, the kit is bad, but not horrific. It does require a lot of TLC, however (I'm getting cold sweats remembering the tracks).
One of the few kits I've "binned" over the past 30 years was the Alan SU-76. IIRC the front plate is actually 1:1 scale thickness! Nothing and I do mean nothing fits and the plastic can not be glued with regular glue. A true nightmare. Having built 2 Tauro A7V's, the kit is bad, but not horrific. It does require a lot of TLC, however (I'm getting cold sweats remembering the tracks).


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 07:04 PM UTC
Quoted Text
As a kid in the 60's I had a Tiger 1 kit that was so inaccurate that it looked a lot like the Kelley's Hero's Tiger. I think it was a Nichimo? The hull was way too narrow, the turret was shaped completely wrong and I can remember that even then we thought it was a dog.
With me, I'd have to say there are several:
The ANCIENT AURORA 1/48 Spitfire, Bf.109, P-51H, and Fw.190A kits. Bad, bad, bad- I was only about 7 years old at the time, and even at that age, I knew they were junk. TOTALLY misshapen, and blessed with rivets that are as big as 1/48-scale GRAPEFRUIT! Forget all about trying to get their Landing Gear properly positioned.
Later on, I built AURORA's 1/48 Biplanes, which were much better in that the Struts lined up with the Wings and Fuselages properly, and the kits were also much better in shape and accuracy. I built their F4B-4 and P-12E, Se-5a, Fokker D.VII, and Albatross D.V, which all turned out quite nicely, for a nine-year-old. Once MONOGRAM started coming out with 1/48 aircraft in the early 1960s, I couldn't wait for the next kit from them to be released. MONOGRAM's 1/24 Classic and Special Interest Cars were a joy to build, too...
AURORA's 1/48 Tanks were better than their really early 1/48 planes, but not by much. Their 1/48 Panther kit's too-short Tracks would not go completely around the Wheels and Idlers, the Sprockets would not fit the Tracks, and the Tracks themselves will self destruct in your fingers even before you can attempt to connect them. The Turret was a figment of someone's imagination, with it's sides that curved INWARD, and the shape of the Track Links was totally WRONG. These same wonderful traits virtually held true for their 1/48 M46 Patton, as well. Ditto, their M8 Artillery Tractor... LOVELY STUFF... Long about 1964 or 1965, AURORA released their 1/48 Japanese Type 97 Medium Tank (Shinhoto CHI-HA) which actually turned out to be a very nice little kit for the time. I built several of those...
Later on, I had the misfortune of buying a 1/35 NITTO Sd.Kfz.251, and the first release of TAMIYA's T-55. TAMIYA's M10 Tank Destroyer and M4A3E2 "Jumbo". ALL were AWFUL. Talk about "Rubber-band" Tracks...
I also had the distinct opportunity to tackle UPC's 1/50 E-13A "Jake" seaplane, and later still, NICHIMO's 1/48 version of the "Jake", which was nearly as bad as UPC's. Then came HASEGAWA's 1/48 F6F-3 Hellcat, and their initial efforts with their 1/48 F4U-4 Corsairs which are kits that goes together nicely enough, but they are fraught with inaccuracies. The CLASSIC AIRFRAMES Limited Production 1/48 aircraft are nothing to write home about, and neither are CZECH MODELS' 1/48 efforts...
I think that in many ways, today's modellers are extremely lucky to have the huge variety of kits that we have to choose from, which, for the most part, are easy to build, boast of excellent accuracy and even with marginal skill, can be completed as something to be proud of.


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 08:09 PM UTC
Airfix's Braille WW1 British infantry. The mould lines were horrible, made even worse by that nasty rubbery plastic they used for their 1/72 soldiers.


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 08:37 PM UTC
Kinetic's MATV. With some work makes a really nice kit, but the suspension is half of the parts and half of those parts don't fit right. Really took some time and dedication for that one.


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 08:50 PM UTC
My call is for Heller kits in 1/35, particularly AMX-30 and AMX-13: badly moulded parts, lots of flash, nothing seems to fit whatever you try, a lot of putty needed, badly warped parts, brittle plastic, details in obvious places omitted in parts and others that are not bo be seen fully worked. Thank God that Meng and Takom came to our rescue and released new up to date kits. Well worth the wait.


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 10:39 PM UTC
I was never a big fan of any of the Lindbergh kits, but so far the worst kit I've built has been Alan's 15cm sIG33 (Sf) auf Pzkpfw I Ausf B "Bison", which took me a year of on-off again tinkering to finish due to poor fit and errors in the instructions. I have Dragon's version to replace it with now, which ironically was released a month after I bought the Alan kit.
Oh well, if a crap kit doesn't build a good model it at least builds character and experience, don't it?
Oh well, if a crap kit doesn't build a good model it at least builds character and experience, don't it?


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 11:15 PM UTC
I still got the remains of the Nichimo Abbott, my pop built it, it was his ride Aa A Gun Commander, 28bty, 19th Field Rgt RA.
I built one in 1/160th
I built one in 1/160th


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 11:48 PM UTC
The worst kit I ever attempted to build was the Tauro Fiat 3000. Say what you will about the accuracy of the kits from Lindberg, Nitto, Tamiya's ancient "identical scale series", Zvesda's T-60, etc. at least you can build those kits to completion out of the box.
Similar to the Aurora panther talked about earlier, the Tauro kit had tracks that were too short to fit around the suspension and so the kit could not be completed. This is made even worse by the fact that no aftermarket alternatives exist. Needless to say it has sense gone to the big workbench on the sky.
Similar to the Aurora panther talked about earlier, the Tauro kit had tracks that were too short to fit around the suspension and so the kit could not be completed. This is made even worse by the fact that no aftermarket alternatives exist. Needless to say it has sense gone to the big workbench on the sky.


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Posted: Saturday, March 26, 2016 - 11:49 PM UTC
Broncos Hotchkiss H38/39. Running gear was nightmare to built due to poor fit.


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 12:01 AM UTC
I'll keep it to armor since I am a Fonderie Miniatures and Mach2 aircraft kit survivor. . .
Tauro A7V. Nothing fits, getting those hull sides to line up properly is a bloody nightmare, and those tracks. . . Dear God, those tracks are the stuff of nightmares. Flimsy vinyl with holes too small for the sharp metal pins so the rings burst, no glue will adhere the bloody things together, and when you finally sell your soul to the devil to get them to hold together they dissolve when exposed to sun for a few months. . .
Tauro A7V. Nothing fits, getting those hull sides to line up properly is a bloody nightmare, and those tracks. . . Dear God, those tracks are the stuff of nightmares. Flimsy vinyl with holes too small for the sharp metal pins so the rings burst, no glue will adhere the bloody things together, and when you finally sell your soul to the devil to get them to hold together they dissolve when exposed to sun for a few months. . .


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 12:03 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Zvezda T-60.
Later I heard that this was the first kit from Zvezda. Well, thats a good explanation...
And I need to mention anything from Alan...
Yep, that T 60 is the same one I built under the AER boxing. The first time Zvezda released it it still had the Polytechnika logo. It was repopped by AER, Maquette etc. A gross kit!


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 01:28 AM UTC
You guys realize that there is a "Build a Dog" campaign fixin to kick off on April 1?


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 02:01 AM UTC
If any one has tried to build the Verlindon Universal carrier they would stop moaning about poor fit flash and dimentions I have built some of the kits mentioned and apart from the A7 tracks remember a difficult but rewarding build for the price the Carrier however was too much for what I got


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 04:10 AM UTC
Worst model kit?
For me pretty much almost anything Revell (I stay away from them completely now) when it comes to 1/35 Armour, details I found have been soft, and just not a huge fan of their directions, Italeri's Paladin, LEE's Hummer (Chinese knock of company, old kit bought years ago).
:[]-- One of my biggest goats though is the resin aftermarket bunch that show tight in photos for reference, but not enough to clearly show you where you have to put an item, or not the right angle, or the pictures are unclear and hazy....
The ones most guilty of causing me so much grief are Real Model, Legend and Black Dog.... I absolutely love the detail of the resin and it's quality and won't stop buying their goods but sheesh! (I must be a masochist) All that work to research and mold their fantastic products, but hardly no time spent on the directions!
That is what makes an awesome kit the worst.
For me pretty much almost anything Revell (I stay away from them completely now) when it comes to 1/35 Armour, details I found have been soft, and just not a huge fan of their directions, Italeri's Paladin, LEE's Hummer (Chinese knock of company, old kit bought years ago).
:[]-- One of my biggest goats though is the resin aftermarket bunch that show tight in photos for reference, but not enough to clearly show you where you have to put an item, or not the right angle, or the pictures are unclear and hazy....

That is what makes an awesome kit the worst.


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 05:20 AM UTC
I've built a couple of 1/35 Skif kits, and both were awful. One was one of their BTR-152s - the undercarriage and suspension were unbuildable - and the other was an MT-LB that came with rubber tracks in four lengths. I can't imagine why anyone would break the tracks up into four lengths, but Skif isn't the only company to have done this.
Happily, there's now a new MT-LB from Trumpeter, but Skif's BTR-152s are still the only game in town.
Happily, there's now a new MT-LB from Trumpeter, but Skif's BTR-152s are still the only game in town.


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 05:30 AM UTC
Worst armor kit (almost armor anyway) I ever worked on was a Life-Like (I think) M8 Cargo Carrier in 1/40 scale. But the worst kit I never finished and threw in file 13 was the Lindberg Essex Class Yorktown carrier in about 1/400 scale. VR, Russ
Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 05:45 AM UTC
I had a Nichimo/Revell Sdkfz 251 Stuka. Ugly. Rubberband tracks were just ribbed cross-wise. One of the very few models I every just threw away.
Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 05:46 AM UTC
Yeah, the Alan Su-76M: I had wanted an Su-76 for decades but it looked so bad I just sold it.


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 06:45 AM UTC
Military Wheels UAZ-469. I scrapped one out after starting and then bought another about three years later, figuring it wasn't them, it was me. Turns out, it was them.
I was able to sell my Tauro A7V right after the Meng kit was announced. It's somebody else's problem now.
Looking at what people consider to be unbuildable kits I see several that I remember as just old and poorly detailed kits or ones that required a concerted effort to clean and true up every piece, but still fundamentally buildable. I wonder if it's just that I've seen more kits from more companies so my threshold is higher (lower?), or if it's something else.
I was able to sell my Tauro A7V right after the Meng kit was announced. It's somebody else's problem now.
Looking at what people consider to be unbuildable kits I see several that I remember as just old and poorly detailed kits or ones that required a concerted effort to clean and true up every piece, but still fundamentally buildable. I wonder if it's just that I've seen more kits from more companies so my threshold is higher (lower?), or if it's something else.


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 07:20 AM UTC
Those that started building in the 60's are probably more tolerant. There was nothing comparable to today's kits. Today's bad kit was a decent kit back then.
Removed by original poster on 03/28/16 - 03:34:41 (GMT).


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 08:52 AM UTC
Interesting how people's opinions can vary. I built the Tauro A7V many years ago, and other than the tracks (I agree...) I didn't have many major issues with it.
However, will agree the Aer ASU-57 is sucha bad kit. I still have mine, trot it out every once in a while to bang my head against, mainly because I have so much AM invested in it... Once it is done (someday! After Trumpeter announces theirs...) it will be more brass than plastic. Now if I could find a replacement for those nasty indy link tracks...
However, will agree the Aer ASU-57 is sucha bad kit. I still have mine, trot it out every once in a while to bang my head against, mainly because I have so much AM invested in it... Once it is done (someday! After Trumpeter announces theirs...) it will be more brass than plastic. Now if I could find a replacement for those nasty indy link tracks...


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Posted: Sunday, March 27, 2016 - 05:42 PM UTC
I think that it is more interesting to see what we can make with a model, rather than say if it was made well or not.
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