I've gotta throw in here..... the finishing techniques, processes and such that go into a "model" are becoming more and more emphasized in hobby literature now, and that's fine and dandy, being such a large part of the hobby to so many people. But I tend to lose interest when accuracy as far as obvious technical things are passed over as being part of the "art", specifically things like stowage blocking vision devices or weapons, floating stowage, and major evidence of paint deterioration when none should be evident.
Granted, it's all part of a hobby, and we all have our preferences, but there are times when I'd like to see a little more thought given by the builder to: "could or should that really look like that?".
I'm also very much interested in the assembly process, something skated over in most any article these days, but that's just me.
"Abrams Squad" is a fine mag, don't get me wrong, and given that a few mags that used to be top shelf seem to be lagging or losing momentum, it's good to see the hobby in print, and I wish them a long and profitable run.