Having work in Building Standards for 36 years the building as portrayed is quite feasible since the owner and builder will have agreed a look and layout they wanted.
Looking at the reverse of the part, the floor heights would appear to be different, involving only the inclusion of a couple of steps between internally.
Having a window that is below knee height or a roof that you have to stoop down to se out a window is not as unusual a feature as you might think. Especially if the room is purely a small store room or even the accommodation for a farm hand or family member. Falling out of or through the glass of low level windows is only recently fully legislated for even in Scotland. Pre proper Building Legislation safety glass and window height was just a dream.
An alternative even to the above is that the owner and builder simply wanted a window in keeping with the rest to give light within a garage and might have no floor to obstruct the light.
The parts could easily be altered to give the building a more modern appearance by changing the garage doors to French windows, patio doors or a bay window to make accommodation at ground floor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, all very legal by even current Building Standards !
I see nothing wrong with the pieces of this nice kit
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