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Your totally wrong on this fact. I was part of first wave of Troops sent into Bosina in December 1995/January 1996. Here goes my Story:
Thanks, I stand corrected.
There is a long list of Stryker gripes and so on. I think the main one is no one imagined Gen. Shinseki's (that BTW is how you spell his name) idea could take so long to come to fruition at such an expensive cost. Gen. Shinseki was sold on the idea by General Motors of Canada only to find that it was a hell of a bear to stuff the Stryker into the C-130.
For the record, some corrections/ clarifications:
* United Defense filed a protest over the "Tracks vs. wheels" debate so it's not a lawsuit per se as I incorrectly said before. The Army had to reevalute the Ft. Knox tests and the tracks vs. wheels idea again and that took many months. Time = money.
* Yes, the Russians made an illegal move, but the fact remains that no LAV ground force could get there to challenge them. Sending Humvees or FAVs might work, but just doesn't look as good as having LAVs challenge LAVs. Just like Desert One, the Americans were caught flat-footed.
* AFAIK, the tests from Knox are still classified. All I know is that of all the 90-105mm MGSs there, they all more or less performed the same from M8 to LAV-600 to Centauro to MGS to Stingray in terms of accuracy and shoot-on-the-move performance. No one won in the MGS category.
* The Special Forces bought the Pandur 6X6 "as is" for their troops. No modifications needed and it entered service way before the Stryker. Yep, Pandur was there at the Ft. Knox competitions, as were a lot of turrets too like DELCO, KIFV, 90mm, Scimitars, etc. So in essence, the Army could've bought an LAV and upgunned it too instead of buying an entirely new LAV and modifying it so much.
I'm not panning the Stryker, but it's clipped so much to reduce weight that some things just don't make sense. And the Stryker is a black hole draining money when it STILL has technical problems.
* The RWS camera is B/W like a dog's vision. The Army said it can't afford to buy color TV cameras for 2,000+ Strykers. So a Stryker gunner can't tell the difference between a white flag or a red flag (exaggeration). Actually, in tests, crew members complained that they couldn't tell enemy uniform color from friendlies. And still the Stryker sucks money, but the Army has no plans to change the B/W TV camera (being interim and all), which was the main complaint from the tests!
* To save weight and make more space, the Army removed the automatic ammo loader mechanism from the Norwegian-made RWS. So to reload, the gunner has to pop out of the hatch, which kind of defeats the purpose of the RWS in the first place. Even if the mechanism is optional, the Army has no intention of buying it to save weight. I guess that's OK since the troops run ahead of the Strykers. But in MOUT...complaints (I'm saying too much here).
* The Strykers cannot swim. Where the propellers are has been replaced by fuel tanks. Hmmm...I don't think the LAV 3 can swim anyway.
* As an APC, let's not forget the Stryker is an were like 40 other LAVs tested at Ft. Knox too with the others like LAIFV with >20mm autocannons. At $2M per Stryker with so many mods and computers, is this worth it for an APC, or could the Army have gotten a LAIFV like the Wiesel 2 or Pandur or whatever that will definitely fit in the C-130, throw the computers in, and spend more money on other areas to fix it up?
* The Think Tankers/ authors in the defense magazines said the ICBT idea was a very good idea. HOWEVER, I never saw an article as to WHAT LAV they recommended. But then again, they haven't supported or panned the Stryker though. I think there has been some gripes about the MGS though, namely that the other MGSs with turrets are better than the turretless MGS.
* And the MGS is a prototype when the Centauro, Panhard, Ratel wheeled APCs with cannons already exist. So the critics pointed that if Gen. Shinseki wanted RDF, he didn't buy RDF MGS and instead went down the path of developing the MGS. The LPT 105mm can mount in almost any 8X8, let's not forget that. The Low Profile Turret doesn't come with the LAV as one package.
Politics indeed play heavily in the Stryker program.
* Finally, YES, I know of a famous modeler who has solicitated Tamiya and Trumpeter to do a Stryker model a few months ago (he told me). But, NO, without actual blueprints and so on, at least Tamiya is not biting. As for Trumpeter, who knows? I'll keep his name annoymous, but don't think no one is championing the Stryker model cause---or tried to. I guess we're partly to blame because everyone wants an ACCURATE model, right? If not accurate, no company wants to risk getting flamed on the DGs...but that's another post.