Just been having a look to see what rocket tanks are available in 1/35?
Bearing in mind I'm talking about tanks with visible rockets on them not enclosed tubes. The only real one I can find is Trumpeters SAM-6. Anyone know of any others....especially any latest state of the art kits?
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Rocket tanks in 1/35?


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 04:10 AM UTC


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 04:47 AM UTC
Heller and Takom make AMX-13 with rockets mounted. Dragon made a M4 with turret mounted rocket launchers. Other than that I personally don't know.


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 05:01 AM UTC
If you're willing to try and find a tank from when tank models roamed the earth with dinosaurs, there's Monogram's old Sherman Calliope. Also, Dragon/Cyber Hobby made a Panzer IV (perhaps a paper panzer or close to it) #6437 (raketenwerfer auf fahrgestell pzkpfw iv) though they aren't fully visible. Though maybe both are what you would consider concealed.


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 05:18 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Just been having a look to see what rocket tanks are available in 1/35?
. . . The only real one I can find is Trumpeters SAM-6. . .
. . . Heller and Takom make AMX-13 with rockets mounted . . .
Those are all missiles, not rockets. There are a number of vehicles with exposed guided missiles, like those two, Trumpeter's IT-1, the various SCUDs, and the Hobby Boss SS-23. The only rocket weapons without tube or canister launchers would be Katyushas, the Honest John, and the FROG series. Only Katyushas are available in 1/35. Oh, and the Sherman V and Staghound kits with improvised aircraft launchers on the turrets.


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 06:22 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextJust been having a look to see what rocket tanks are available in 1/35?
. . . The only real one I can find is Trumpeters SAM-6. . .
. . . Heller and Takom make AMX-13 with rockets mounted . . .
Those are all missiles, not rockets. There are a number of vehicles with exposed guided missiles, like those two, Trumpeter's IT-1, the various SCUDs, and the Hobby Boss SS-23. The only rocket weapons without tube or canister launchers would be Katyushas, the Honest John, and the FROG series. Only Katyushas are available in 1/35. Oh, and the Sherman V and Staghound kits with improvised aircraft launchers on the turrets.
Ah, ok. My mistake.


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 07:33 AM UTC
Rich was supposed to do a S125 Neva. You could mount that to a T55.


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 07:55 AM UTC
Just to be clear, from Mirriam-Webster
Full Definition of missile
: an object (as a weapon) thrown or projected usually so as to strike something at a distance
So a rocket IS a missile, but a missile is not necessarily a rocket.
I suspect you are contrasting a guided missile versus an unguided rocket?
Anyway, not trying to be clever but I was genuinely confused!
Full Definition of missile
: an object (as a weapon) thrown or projected usually so as to strike something at a distance
So a rocket IS a missile, but a missile is not necessarily a rocket.
I suspect you are contrasting a guided missile versus an unguided rocket?
Anyway, not trying to be clever but I was genuinely confused!


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 08:34 AM UTC
In US military parlance missiles are guided, rockets are unguided.
Rocks are missiles too, according to that dictionary (*). If somebody asked about wheeled vehicles with missiles on them, would it make sense to refer them to a dump truck hauling crushed stone?
I've found that when you ask for information you are more likely to get useful responses if you use the correct or at least common terminology. It doesn't always work, however. Many people can't conceive of how terminology (or grammar, or punctuation) could make any difference; they just say some lazy gobbledy-gook and expect the people doing them the favor to sort it out and spoon feed them what they want. Sometimes I've gotten gibberish in response to a properly phrased question because the reader was such a poor communicator that they assumed I was asking using the wrong words like they would.
(*) It's Merriam-Webster, BTW, not Mirriam-Webster.
Rocks are missiles too, according to that dictionary (*). If somebody asked about wheeled vehicles with missiles on them, would it make sense to refer them to a dump truck hauling crushed stone?
I've found that when you ask for information you are more likely to get useful responses if you use the correct or at least common terminology. It doesn't always work, however. Many people can't conceive of how terminology (or grammar, or punctuation) could make any difference; they just say some lazy gobbledy-gook and expect the people doing them the favor to sort it out and spoon feed them what they want. Sometimes I've gotten gibberish in response to a properly phrased question because the reader was such a poor communicator that they assumed I was asking using the wrong words like they would.
(*) It's Merriam-Webster, BTW, not Mirriam-Webster.


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 09:38 AM UTC
Perhaps a little tangential to the specific question of 1/35 kits of rocket-carrying tanks / armored vehicles...
Limiting my bit to WWII stuff I know of...
There are a couple of kits out of the WWII Soviet BM-8-24 "Katyusha" rail-mount rocket launcher mounted on obsolete light tanks T-40, T-60, and T-70. These definitely count as rocket-armed armored vehicles.
The Germans mounted their "wurframen" box-launcher racks for wurf rocket bombs on almost anything which moved. While most folks see the common "Stuka zu Fuss" version of wurframen / wurfsprenggrenate rocket-bombs mounted on SdKfz 251 (several kits of this), the same wurf was actually commonly hung on all sorts of armored vehicles - there are photos of Pz I, Pz II, Pz III, captured Somua halftracks, Renault R-35 tanks, Hotchkiss H-39 tanks, etc.
There are 1/35 kits of SdKfz 251, UE, H-39, and Lorraine with "wurf", and one can legitimately add on wurf to some other German and captured stuff (find the pics and scratch away!).
Another common German WWII rocket weapon was the 15cm nebelwerfer- a towed multiple tube rocket weapon which was modified and mounted on armored Maultier and sWS halftracks - kits are out for both vehicle types.
For the officionados out there; the Katyusha, wurframen, and nebelwerfer weapons all launched unguided rocket-propelled bombs - these bombs were missiles propelled by true rocket motors (a non-air-breathing motor producing a propelling exhaust stream from combustion of on-board self-oxygenating fuel), and not jet engines (an air-breathing motor which creates a propelling exhaust stream using fuel combusted with oxygen from the local air). A V-2 was a guided rocket-propelled missile, a V-1 was a guided ram-jet propelled missile, a wurfgrenate rocket-bomb was a non-guided rocket-propelled missile.
The WWII western Allies employed a multiple-rail-launched rocket system like a Katyusha and a multiple tube-rocket launcher called a "Calliope" - there have been 1/35 kits out of Calliope on Shermans, and of the rail-launched rocket-launcher (60 lb rocket?) mounted on Shermans.
Limiting my bit to WWII stuff I know of...
There are a couple of kits out of the WWII Soviet BM-8-24 "Katyusha" rail-mount rocket launcher mounted on obsolete light tanks T-40, T-60, and T-70. These definitely count as rocket-armed armored vehicles.
The Germans mounted their "wurframen" box-launcher racks for wurf rocket bombs on almost anything which moved. While most folks see the common "Stuka zu Fuss" version of wurframen / wurfsprenggrenate rocket-bombs mounted on SdKfz 251 (several kits of this), the same wurf was actually commonly hung on all sorts of armored vehicles - there are photos of Pz I, Pz II, Pz III, captured Somua halftracks, Renault R-35 tanks, Hotchkiss H-39 tanks, etc.
There are 1/35 kits of SdKfz 251, UE, H-39, and Lorraine with "wurf", and one can legitimately add on wurf to some other German and captured stuff (find the pics and scratch away!).
Another common German WWII rocket weapon was the 15cm nebelwerfer- a towed multiple tube rocket weapon which was modified and mounted on armored Maultier and sWS halftracks - kits are out for both vehicle types.
For the officionados out there; the Katyusha, wurframen, and nebelwerfer weapons all launched unguided rocket-propelled bombs - these bombs were missiles propelled by true rocket motors (a non-air-breathing motor producing a propelling exhaust stream from combustion of on-board self-oxygenating fuel), and not jet engines (an air-breathing motor which creates a propelling exhaust stream using fuel combusted with oxygen from the local air). A V-2 was a guided rocket-propelled missile, a V-1 was a guided ram-jet propelled missile, a wurfgrenate rocket-bomb was a non-guided rocket-propelled missile.
The WWII western Allies employed a multiple-rail-launched rocket system like a Katyusha and a multiple tube-rocket launcher called a "Calliope" - there have been 1/35 kits out of Calliope on Shermans, and of the rail-launched rocket-launcher (60 lb rocket?) mounted on Shermans.


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 11:57 AM UTC
Don't forget Revell's Raketenjagdpanzer!
Don't forget Revell's Raketenjagdpanzer!


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 12:03 PM UTC
Dragon have also a old kit with the "Tulip" rocket louncher on the side of the turret,one rocket for each side,the same system was mounted on oters allied vehicles


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Posted: Friday, April 15, 2016 - 09:28 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Dragon have also a old kit with the "Tulip" rocket louncher on the side of the turret,one rocket for each side,the same system was mounted on oters allied vehicles
"Tulip". That's the one I was thinking of when I got to "60 lb rocket"! Turret-mounted rails. And yes, I think that "Tulip" may have been installed on some armored cars as well as on Shermies. Thanks, Mr. Vicious!



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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 01:56 AM UTC
Yes you can find picture of the tulip on armored cars,Shermans and also other Tanks,i have the Dragon kit of i think 15 years or more a go


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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 02:21 AM UTC
Bronco have a Staghound kit with the Typhoon 60lb rockets mounted on the turret.


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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 02:32 AM UTC
Quoted Text
In US military parlance missiles are guided, rockets are unguided.
Rocks are missiles too, according to that dictionary (*). If somebody asked about wheeled vehicles with missiles on them, would it make sense to refer them to a dump truck hauling crushed stone?
I've found that when you ask for information you are more likely to get useful responses if you use the correct or at least common terminology. It doesn't always work, however. Many people can't conceive of how terminology (or grammar, or punctuation) could make any difference; they just say some lazy gobbledy-gook and expect the people doing them the favor to sort it out and spoon feed them what they want. Sometimes I've gotten gibberish in response to a properly phrased question because the reader was such a poor communicator that they assumed I was asking using the wrong words like they would.
(*) It's Merriam-Webster, BTW, not Mirriam-Webster.
I believe the OP specified "tanks with visible ROCKETS", and not dump trucks full of rocks.


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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 03:38 AM UTC
Yup I think we are all clear now
(.. and apparently I need to go back to cut 'n' paste as I can't even type a name without screwing up despite double checking it !

(.. and apparently I need to go back to cut 'n' paste as I can't even type a name without screwing up despite double checking it !


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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 05:41 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Heller and Takom make AMX-13 with rockets mounted. Dragon made a M4 with turret mounted rocket launchers. Other than that I personally don't know.
I forgot about the AMX. I should have specified with no turret and main gun though. But it's similar to what I'm looking for.


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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 05:48 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextJust been having a look to see what rocket tanks are available in 1/35?
. . . The only real one I can find is Trumpeters SAM-6. . .
. . . Heller and Takom make AMX-13 with rockets mounted . . .
Those are all missiles, not rockets. There are a number of vehicles with exposed guided missiles, like those two, Trumpeter's IT-1, the various SCUDs, and the Hobby Boss SS-23. The only rocket weapons without tube or canister launchers would be Katyushas, the Honest John, and the FROG series. Only Katyushas are available in 1/35. Oh, and the Sherman V and Staghound kits with improvised aircraft launchers on the turrets.
Ahh....another one I forgot about is Trumpeters new Scud A. Again that's along the lines of what I'm thinking of. The features I want are.......
tracks not wheeled
no turret with main gun
visible rockets or missiles (no tubes)
a purpose built variant or tank and not something improvised (i.e. some rockets/missiles stuck on the side of a turret)
a radar dish would be nice too


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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 07:17 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Yes you can find picture of the tulip on armored cars,Shermans and also other Tanks,i have the Dragon kit of i think 15 years or more a go
I'd be very surprised to see a picture of any other Allied vehicle than the Staghound or Sherman with the Tulip conversion. They were pretty much confined to two regiments - The 2nd BN Coldstream Gds (Armd) and a Canadian Armoured Recon unit with Staghounds.


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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 08:11 PM UTC



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Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 09:19 PM UTC
IT would be great if someone would do the US Army Missiles...
Honest John, LaCrosse, Corporal, Sergeant, Pershing ...etc....
Honest John, LaCrosse, Corporal, Sergeant, Pershing ...etc....


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Posted: Sunday, April 17, 2016 - 01:47 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextYes you can find picture of the tulip on armored cars,Shermans and also other Tanks,i have the Dragon kit of i think 15 years or more a go
I'd be very surprised to see a picture of any other Allied vehicle than the Staghound or Sherman with the Tulip conversion. They were pretty much confined to two regiments - The 2nd BN Coldstream Gds (Armd) and a Canadian Armoured Recon unit with Staghounds.
here you have a Cromwell....


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Posted: Sunday, April 17, 2016 - 01:01 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextQuoted TextYes you can find picture of the tulip on armored cars,Shermans and also other Tanks,i have the Dragon kit of i think 15 years or more a go
I'd be very surprised to see a picture of any other Allied vehicle than the Staghound or Sherman with the Tulip conversion. They were pretty much confined to two regiments - The 2nd BN Coldstream Gds (Armd) and a Canadian Armoured Recon unit with Staghounds.
Excellent find, trials establishement?
here you have a Cromwell....


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Posted: Sunday, April 17, 2016 - 02:27 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Excellent find, trials establishement?
i think soo,sincerly i dont know much more,i just find that picture
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