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Any idea where the original statue serving as inspiration for this model is (was) located ?
The one in Leningrad is pretty similar but not the same.
The simple, but main mistake is here !
Don't forget - V. I. Lenin was real Bolshevik's idol; there were only few World-scale leaders on the Earth through all times, whose image had been replicated so widely.
Each city, each town, each village - EVERY, even smallest, settlement should have the statue (statues) of Lenin - and ALL those places had those statues. Large cities/towns had dozens and dozens of such statues (for example, according to historical data, only Leningrad with all its suburbs had over 150 Lenin monuments before the Nineties). Smaller and smallest places had 1-2-...-5 [or similar numbers] statues.
In 1991 the total quantity of Lenin monuments was:
- in Russia - 7000,
- in Ukraine - 5500,
- in Belarus - 600,
- in Baltic states - 160,
- in foreign countries - 150, etc, etc, etc.
And this is very - very approximate quantity (for quite large monuments only).
Moreover - each plant, factory, school, administrative and office biulding, railway station, even the hospitals and kindergartens, etc, etc could have the Lenin statues (and most part of those objects had such statues).
Moreover - even many private persons had the miniature Lenin statues at their homes. For example, my grandfather has small Lenin statue - about 30 cm/1 foot/ tall - on his table in living room.
And I'm not talking about Lenin's portraits - there were dozens-and-dozens of millions of them in Russia and the Socialist countries.
The most part of those statues were made in similar style - they show standing Lenin; or Lenin, going forward.
Thus, this is absolutely impossible to say, where was (or is) placed this particular statue of Lenin.
You will be absolutely correct, if You will place this model of statue in ANY Russian/Ukrainean/Belorussian, etc, "Soviet places and areas".