I suggest to take a look at the walkarounds available in Primeportal site, and many other references easily found online -like this : glaring differences between different vehicles are quite apparent and noticeable, so taking a single vehicle or a single shot from a given angle as a base to judge accuracy might lead to some mistakes -or misleading?-.
This side by side picture from Primeportal illustrates what I mean
zsu-23-4_17_of_18 Also these two different vehicles and slightly different angles for the photos
zsu-23-4_22_of_76 Again, I'm not a fanatic advocate of Meng's kits, nor denying their kit has flaws -the photoetched engine deck grill is an evident example, as is the lack of some details also-.
But I still don't find Hong's one that better, and knowing about its "buildability" issues, let me prefer Meng's anyway...
On a side note, I'm still not convinced at all about the "Anonymous" thing, and keep finding the initial post of this tread "a bit" biased.