Not sure it's "johnny come lately" Bill, I see it as more of a "finally". Having acrylic options for these weathering products is a good thing. Being that they are acrylic in nature, oil based solvents are definitely a bad thing to be mixing them with. Water and/or acrylic thinners are certainly the way to go. If you do apply oil based paint or effects prior to or after any acrylics, there should be no adverse interactions as long as either base product has had a chance to cure.
One key factor that jumps out at me is the ability to weather the industry changing properties of the plastics with tracks and such. There have been more and more instances where tracks simply fall apart due to the solvents in enamel-based effects. This is eliminated with the use of acrylics. This does not mean dispense with all usage of enamel products...just means that acrylics are a better solution to weathering these new plastics. If nothing else, this is step forward in modelling effects gives the modeller more options when sitting at the bench!