Ever since I saw a Tiger tank in a Commando comic as a kid, I was hooked to the Tiger. As a teen, my desktop's wallpaper was always a Tiger tank. Fast forward a few years and I started to try my hand with scale modelling. I am still a WIP, but I feel that I now have enough courage to tackle a Tiger kit. So, without any further delay, I present to you the two victims ..... er.... kits

1/35 Academy Tiger I Early & 1/35 Tamiya Tiger I Late/Final.
I will be building the Academy Tiger for the 500+ Campaign and the Tamiya one for the Tamiya Campaign. My plan is to build them side by side as far as possible. As the Academy one has the full interiors, I will be concentrating more on it initially do that the external finishing and painting can be done together.
I have not yet decided what unit/markings to go with. Just that the Tamiya one would be an Late version as the kit can be build as either a late or a final version.

For the Academy Kit the only AM I will be using is a metal barrel as the kit one is too badly warped and is only good for shooting around corners

For the Tamiya kit i'll be using an Zimmerit kit from Atak and a PE set by ET Models for the engine hatches.
So please stay tuned for more updates and please feel free to give me suggestions / tips / advises etc