The Research Squad.
After 7 years of hard work and input from many assistants the book is finally published in hard copy.
We know it has taken longer than wished to release however our quest for the best possible information/presentation has we feel resulted in a unique and exceptional product. All involved would like to thank those who have been so very very patient with us.
A review copy is on its way to ARMORAMA as we type, expect more information on this site soon.

208 pages, full colour, finest photography and extensive research. Covers every accessible detail
Available via ADH publishing NOW
The book comprises:
208 pages
+/- 690 images.
69 technical diagrams (including 27 selected re-mastered diagrams at A4 size)
This new book includes:
a full exterior walk-around,
a complete documentation of the interior
a detailed study of the engine compartment.
a history of the vehicle from capture to present date
a veteran interview with driver of Maj. Leuder
a history of the vehicle from capture to present date
a technical article on the Vorpanzer with diagrams