When I shared this with members of my Model RR club one of the older members told me that, the ARR had operated a CCKW crane that had flanged rail-wheels bolted onto the hubs.
While I can't locate a picture of this specific prototype, I have found pictures of CCKW's with rail wheels and CCKW cranes, so it stands to reason that the ARR could have put these rail wheels on a CCKW crane.
I also discovered that HR Models has a CCKW 353 with rail wheels, but it is a standard CCKW, not a crane.
Based on the design of the kit, it does not appear as though it would be difficult to mount a crane on this CCKW frame if one is available. However, I have not been able to locate an appropriate 1:72 crane, either as part of another CCKW kit, or elsewhere.
Would any of you know where I could find a CCKW crane model or other 1:72 crane model that would be appropriate???