For me this is an interesting vehicle, with it's 3 guns would volley fire. And while it would later be dropped, would lead to the SU-152.

So far, what's in the box is the same old KV parts with new sprues for the road wheels, and new hull parts.

The only new parts pertain to the casemate, new front plate and road wheels.

No markings for this vehicle, though I will probably do this up as a what if.

This is an easy build. This is where I am at so far:

One thing I noticed so far, the new upper front plate has a locating hole that's at an angle. When you try to fit the part it won't fit, so I had to cut the post off and then I was able to glue the part in place. Another thing is that in the instructions, just like the other KV kits, you glue the lifting loops on the engine deck. On the kit part on the other hand you have molded on solid lifting loops. Meaning, there's an unnecessary step in the instructions.

Nothing a small drill bit couldn't fix.
Here we have two of the guns,single piece, and the mantle.

I do have metal gun barrels from when I was scratch building a KV-7, but I don't know if they will make that much a difference.