Now we have two and they are noticeably different.
Meng offers the gun in their 'Toyota' pick up kit and in the AA weapons set and Trumpter's comes as a stand alone kit 02348 and with the Gaz truck 01017. I am sure given their variant production in the past, it will show up in more boxes as well, perhaps on the Mtlb chassis.
I was very excited for the release when Trumpeter's stand alone kit came out, built it up to the sight assembly and lost steam. (more later)
The Meng pickup and gun came up to the top of the pile and got built (warts and all) and now the Trumpeter kit is back on the bench.
My opinions are mine alone, I paid for both kits.
Beware, page will contain crummy phone camera pics, taken in bad light, by a non-photographer.
Overall impressions:
Meng: More simplified, but more the more buildable of the two.
But the kit is not without warts, too many mold seams on the tiny gunsight pieces, simplified details in the footwell area and triggers. Charging handles at the rear of the gun not included.
The Meng gun is not posable, but if you are inclined Terry Ashley describes how to modify the kit to be posed over on PMMS.
Pluses, includes extra ammo cans and a belt of ammo. Also includes pieces to show the gun at several elevations.
Trumpeter. More detailed and a higher parts count for the guns, cradle, sights and base but odd parts connection choices make for a more challenging build.
Pluses, theoretically posable gun, includes the tubular guard over the sight assembly not included in the Meng kit. Better detailed in the triggers and footwell area. Includes individual ammo rounds and wood blocks to pose the gun in the back of a Gaz.
Photo of the nearly finished Meng kit, yes, I need to add the PE handle on the end of the ammo box and the gunlaying wheel between the seats. The seam on the ammo box end has also been sorted out

In progress photos of the Trumpeter parts.

Which highlights gripe 1 for the Trumpy kit..
There in step 7 the C52 to C23 connection is just a butt joint!! For the main optical sight unit. Not exactly an inconspicuous bit on the kit.
No aid in alignment, no pin, nothing.

Uncool Trumpeter, uncool..
A modification to the build order was to mount the sight base on the rear gun cradle wall BEFORE attaching all the rest of the sight bits. This would have helped with the Meng kit, so I am doing it here as well

more detail on the recommended modifications to the Meng kit in the dioramas forum "Who Ordered the can of Whup a$$?"
more later