Well, let's get one thing clear about this "BergeTiger"...
It was NOT a BergeTiger. There were actual BergeTiger (P)- all built on Tiger (P) / Ferdinand hulls. There are several kits out there of that BergeTiger (certainly Dragon - 2 kits at least, and Italeri). But there was no "BergeTiger I" built on any Tiger I ausf E hull that anyone apparently has any confirmed photos of, let alone data on. There MAY have been one made sometime, but no info is circulating on it that I've ever seen - and I would LOVE to see it! Being a life-time learner and professional curious-cat, doubting-Thomas sort!
So. NOT a "BergeTiger I". This thing was, best of anyone's knowledge, a one-off "explosive-charge layer". There ARE several pictures of this one-off. ALL apparently of the one vehicle and perhaps taken at a couple different times after it was discovered abandoned in Italy.
Do any of the kits do a good job of capturing its details? Some, yes, others maybe not so much. Maybe Dragon will have captured some that others miss, and vice-versa. Whose kit will be "best"? I have no idea! Dragon does have a lot of Tiger I kit experience... And maybe the right parts are in its line already.
What I do hope happens is that someone - maybe several someones - buys these kits and builds them and posts them! I would love to see what they come out looking like!