Yesterday, I sticked the decals for the interior camo, it's Cartograph decals, and the works well done.
at first,

And the body

After I try to paint the exterior camo, I used gunze paint far the green (h420) and the black (h12) for the sand I use a Prince August Air paint (it's Vallejo paint) but I didn't remember his number.

With the wheels

So, this work needs to be refined. But
I'm happy with my work

@ Hisham : Thanks, The VBL is a good kit but with big errors. HB mix differents version of VBL (short, long, Milan).
the wheel arches at the front are, it seems, very wrong.
Last year to Hyères Maquette Expo in France 3 peoples from the Caire showed their works, I don't remember what is their club... maybe you know them.