Thanks for the compliments guys! This is my second model after a ~15 year hiatus.

I'll try to answer your questions:
Mogdude - I used AK Interactive Fresh Mud mixed with their plaster. I then flicked it on using a toothbrush. The wet effect dried like that, pretty cool!
Zontar - I used Verlinden Productions camouflage netting (No. 0042).
Chnoone - OK, that's an awesome suggestion, thanks for that...I struggled with how to get it to lay flat. :/ That's the perfect solution.
KoSprueOne - After painting and clear coat I did the following. AK Interactive Dark Brown Wash on all the lines/holes. AK Interactive light rust wash on some but not all of the same spots. Vallejo Burnt Umber on the tracks. Mig rainmark effects and AK Interactive rust streaks down the vertical surfaces. THEN I brushed a super light coat of MIG Light European Earth over the whole model. The last step was as described above with the Fresh mud.
Thanks again all!!