Master Box: German Infantry Team
Managing EditorSanta Cruz de Tenerife, Spain / España
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 12:17 PM UTC

masterbox has informed us about their upcoming release of a new figure set, with five German Infantry soldiers of the Second World War.
Read the Full News StoryIf you have comments or questions please post them here.
Minnesota, United States
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 04:56 PM UTC
Great detail, good poses, thanks MB
Alabama, United States
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 05:09 PM UTC
They seem to have forgotten the guy pointing at something.
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 05:55 PM UTC
Nah, its not Dragon
I love the vivid poses. I will definately buy 2 of the sets. Greetings from germany
Daejeon, Korea / 대한민국
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 06:56 PM UTC
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 07:04 PM UTC
Action !! Right up my alley.
Iowa, United States
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 07:23 PM UTC
very cool! I've been very impressed with MB; I have a set of early war German infantry from them and one guy is portrayed at the moment of being hit by gunfire; just purchased and am working on their "Cold Wind: German Infantry 1941-42" set; convincing poses of soldiers walking into a brutal Russian winter wind;
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 - 08:19 PM UTC
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 01:22 AM UTC
Great looking set. Will certainly buy a couple of them !
Puerto Rico
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 02:38 AM UTC
the icm german inf. team. still fought the ww2.
Georgia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 02:58 AM UTC
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the icm german inf. team. still fought the ww2.
ICM? What are you on about? This is a Master Box kit.
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 09:05 AM UTC
This is a set I'll definitely be buying. I bought a couple of their earlier German infantry in combat sets when they first came out so these will add to those. (I picked up a couple of boxes of Tristar figures in combat poses not long ago off ebay to go with my earlier MB ones). Masterbox is without a doubt the most interesting figure manufacturer about these days as their figure sets are consistently usable. I look forward to their releases as their growing reputation for fighting troops always makes you wonder what's next. I'll probably get a couple of boxes of these and build a decent sized firefight when added to the other German figures fighting in the stash. It's a shame that they don't do some British infantry in combat poses to give them an opponent. The advantage with doing a British set in fighting poses is as the uniform didn't change throughout the war they'd fit France 1940, the Greek campaign and any date post June 6th to the end of the war. The only thing that changed was the rifle. The one downside of MB's Germans is that they're all wearing jackboots which ceased to be issued in 1943 so if you wanted to have them fighting anyone but the Russians they'd be wrong. You occasionally see photos of Germans wearing the long marching boot post invasion but not that many so their use is limited to Russia as they've not go any other opponents

Moan over, despite this I'll pick up a couple of boxes to put in the stash hoping someone eventually brings out some British troops I can use for the Battle of France
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Georgia, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 09:13 AM UTC
Perhaps they are making all the jackbooted troops to go along with the recent early Pz III/IVs and Stugs that have come out lately?
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Dalarnas, Sweden
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 11:35 AM UTC
I like the different style in helmets. Looks like the running guy in front has an older style? Almost ww 1-ish
Rifle seems a bit flimsy, though. But the scoped one is a nice touch too.
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 06:48 PM UTC
Quoted Text
This is a set I'll definitely be buying. I bought a couple of their earlier German infantry in combat sets when they first came out so these will add to those. (I picked up a couple of boxes of Tristar figures in combat poses not long ago off ebay to go with my earlier MB ones). Masterbox is without a doubt the most interesting figure manufacturer about these days as their figure sets are consistently usable. I look forward to their releases as their growing reputation for fighting troops always makes you wonder what's next. I'll probably get a couple of boxes of these and build a decent sized firefight when added to the other German figures fighting in the stash. It's a shame that they don't do some British infantry in combat poses to give them an opponent. The advantage with doing a British set in fighting poses is as the uniform didn't change throughout the war they'd fit France 1940, the Greek campaign and any date post June 6th to the end of the war. The only thing that changed was the rifle. The one downside of MB's Germans is that they're all wearing jackboots which ceased to be issued in 1943 so if you wanted to have them fighting anyone but the Russians they'd be wrong. You occasionally see photos of Germans wearing the long marching boot post invasion but not that many so their use is limited to Russia as they've not go any other opponents
Moan over, despite this I'll pick up a couple of boxes to put in the stash hoping someone eventually brings out some British troops I can use for the Battle of France
You can get away with using these guys in jackboots for later in the war. There are many pics of them being worn in Normandy and Arnhem,for example,by the 12 and the 9 SS Div. I did a dio from a pic in Normandy of 12SS POWs and they were all wearing the jackboots so...dio away brother!!
Quebec, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 07:03 PM UTC
Ditto. Jackboots can be seen in pics right up to the end of the war, and being worn by surrendering Germans. Just make a mix with a majority of low boots w/gaiters.
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 11:56 AM UTC
I agree you do see them in use late on. I'm working on some Germans in column at the moment and have done them as a mixture of the ankle boot and jackboot but obviously with the jackboot in the minority. My gripe, well not so much a gripe but observation, is that they are all wearing the long marching boot so all of their combat figures are wearing the same long boot. It would date them (all wearing the same) as a unit to pre 43 when they switched over the issue. It would be like in reverse if they were all wearing the ankle boots you couldn't use them for the early war period. It's a bit of a Catch 22 situation really. Mind you in the their Signals set one figure is wearing a smock over his tunic and wearing gaiters so he's an odd one out as he's late war. If however they did one set in jackboots and another set in ankle boots you could cover both periods by doing mix and match. All; in long boots 39-43, Short boots 43-45 Long and Short 43-45...Karl
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England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 12:14 PM UTC
Following on from that I'd love to see some decent British infantry on a par with these and the other MB sets. British BD stayed pretty much the same throughout apart from minor changes like getting rid of pleated pockets, fly front buttons etc so you could use them from 1939-1945 just by changing the rifles. As far as I know there's only 4 sets of British infantry. One by MB "Scotland the Brave" where ones playing the bagpipes which while different is not much use unless you're modelling Bill Millin on Pegasus Bridge. three by DML. The Monte Cassio set which are reasonably animated and have one man firing his rifle from the shoulder The Normandy set has a Bren gunner and No2 in a firing positon while the other figures are on a "prepare to move" order and the really early DML set has one firing a sten and one firing a Bren from the hip. Oh almost forgot the Vickers team in overcoats. Why overcoats? You can't really use them in Italy or Greece in overcoats or in Normandy 44 either. MB have released some great sets of Germans in action which is a welcome addition. The problem is they've only got Russians to fight which is frustrating being a NW European campaign modeller. Bronco has just released two great sets of Paras in action which can be kitbashed to get more poses so it would be fantastic if someone did it with British figures. i know this is a bit off topic but I'm hoping a manufacturer (hopefully MB as they're the most innovative brand these days doing the most interesting and exciting poses) take notice and look into it as a possibility. I really want to build a dio of a firefight between British and German troops
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 01:41 PM UTC
The pictures look like prototypes so don't count on the helmets or weapons being precisely as shown.
And the set is specifically labeled "early war" so jack boots and pleated pockets are to be expected. These are 1939-1943. They are even shown with the early war stone grey trousers. Hopefully there will be mid and late war types coming.
By the way the MB "Scotland the Brave" figures depict a specific incident in Normandy where a Scottish Regiment advanced with a piper. Not Pegasus Bridge. I read about it in the recent book Monty's Men.
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Steve Willoughby
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 04:44 PM UTC
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 04:48 PM UTC
Quoted Text
The pictures look like prototypes so don't count on the helmets or weapons being precisely as shown.
And the set is specifically labeled "early war" so jack boots and pleated pockets are to be expected. These are 1939-1943. They are even shown with the early war stone grey trousers. Hopefully there will be mid and late war types coming.
By the way the MB "Scotland the Brave" figures depict a specific incident in Normandy where a Scottish Regiment advanced with a piper. Not Pegasus Bridge. I read about it in the recent book Monty's Men.
"Scotland the Brave" !!! What a COOL SET!!! I have one of these, and the subject matter is GREAT, and different!!!

Steve, did you ever buy the MB "BANZAI!!!" and the US Marines vs Japanese Infantry "Close Combat" figure sets? They're GREAT, too!
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 04:49 PM UTC
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They seem to have forgotten the guy pointing at something.
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 04:50 PM UTC
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Following on from that I'd love to see some decent British infantry on a par with these and the other MB sets. British BD stayed pretty much the same throughout apart from minor changes like getting rid of pleated pockets, fly front buttons etc so you could use them from 1939-1945 just by changing the rifles. As far as I know there's only 4 sets of British infantry. One by MB "Scotland the Brave" where ones playing the bagpipes which while different is not much use unless you're modelling Bill Millin on Pegasus Bridge. three by DML. The Monte Cassio set which are reasonably animated and have one man firing his rifle from the shoulder The Normandy set has a Bren gunner and No2 in a firing positon while the other figures are on a "prepare to move" order and the really early DML set has one firing a sten and one firing a Bren from the hip. Oh almost forgot the Vickers team in overcoats. Why overcoats? You can't really use them in Italy or Greece in overcoats or in Normandy 44 either. MB have released some great sets of Germans in action which is a welcome addition. The problem is they've only got Russians to fight which is frustrating being a NW European campaign modeller. Bronco has just released two great sets of Paras in action which can be kitbashed to get more poses so it would be fantastic if someone did it with British figures. i know this is a bit off topic but I'm hoping a manufacturer (hopefully MB as they're the most innovative brand these days doing the most interesting and exciting poses) take notice and look into it as a possibility. I really want to build a dio of a firefight between British and German troops

New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 04:52 PM UTC
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Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 07:32 PM UTC
I am glad MB used jackboots on this set. While the new figures by Qing-Yi are incredible, their late-war footwear limits my diorama potential.
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