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Beautiful job Vyacheslav, what kit/additions did you use for this build?
1) Kit Tamiya 35257;
2) Conversion Legeng Productions T-55AM2B;
3) Set Blast Model;
4) Full range of Aber etching;
5) Eduard covers;
6) A core set of Voyager etching;
7) Metal tracks RMSH MasterClub;
8) Rollers Miniarm;
9) Lighters L-4G and OU-3G-Miniarm;
10) Barrel D-10T2S without thermofilter housing MagicModels;
11) Barrel PKT Model Point;
12) Barrel DSHK RB Model;
13) Antenna P-123 MagicModels;
14) 200-liter drums Add on Parts;
15) Drive wheel for RMSH and oil tank SP Design;
16) Verladekeile Model Art;
17) Beep C-58 ModelPoint;
18) Cables Eureka;
19) Details of a set of T-55AM Miniarm;