Hi! OK, I'll be the stodgy old Dragon Fan and say... Just plunk the 60 - 62 USD down and get the Dragon F2/G Smart Kit 6360 shipped to you by any of several eBay vendors. You'll get the state-of-art Pz.Kpfw. IV kit with all the doo-dads and even the link track set, and you won't have to do any up-dating or buy extra bits (with possible shipping, too) to get what I think you are looking for.
IF you go the Italeri kit route... And you want better tracks, etc., You will spend more than 60 - specially if you have to pay any shipping for any am part(s). So... Go for the best kit out there first time 'round!
You'll be very happy with having spent the extra dollars, I think. The Dragon kit is super good (I've done one) and you'll get a LOT of modeling pleasure out of it and get a great-looking panzer on the shelf - even if you are more a noob than not!
But... Do bear in mind that Dragon kits can be a LOT of parts, and Dragon does have a well-earned reputation for often difficult and confusing instructions. But the kit WILL go together fine, and you can wend your way through those instructions with paying attention and thinking.
Just my opinion and suggestion, of course! Get some kit and have FUN with it!
PS: I HATE these new way-jacked-up kit prices. If you can get to some model show, there are likely to be some guys selling these kits, and you could probably get a kit for a lot less than the going retail. I buy most of my stash at shows for this very reason!