Starting it off, it has the feel of a Pz.III kit from Dragon.

For those who want to make the suspension workable, cutting off the pins would work, with the exception of the first and last swing arm due to the suspension. And just a note if building, to ensure the end of the torsion bars that the flat side is up.
Now Dragon would have been nice if they had provided fenders without the holes for mounting the tools, cause filling the wholes with the non-skid is a pain. But, to fill them, I used Tamiya putty, and then cleaned up with Tamiya Lacquer Thinner and a cotton swap. This won't fill in the pattern, but in my mind, the Russian would have cut the tie downs off with a torch, thus leaving a mark.
With most of the Pz.III lower chassis done, I like to spray a little primer color under the rear deck and into the radiator intakes, this covers up the color of the plastic under the photo-etched grills.
Now for the taunting cut. Dragon does not provide a new upper mid deck, thus a section needs to be cut out for the gun. They provide measurement, and the drawing are not to scale, so measuring will need to be done.
Next update will be mounting the upper deck and building the gun.