It was intended to be a 100% fun build. Well, after peeking into the box I was happy to have a Tamiya kit in my hands again after a looong time of absence from my workbench. And I was happy to get into that little plastic thingy after a long time of resin handling. But soon after starting the urge kicked in again... Do you know it? The urge to detail it a bit more here and there... and then, according to the reference material I also should... And there is this update set... And there I was and went with the urge. I got myself the Voyager PE set and some wheels from DEF and started the detailing on the tractor. So far nothing special, just some fiddly work... The only thing, I'm not totally satisfied with is the horn... it just seems too small compared to my reference pics and the hoops for the tarp...

Well, here are some photos of where I am at the moment. Now it seems to be time to get some color on the interior before I close it up with the dashboard... Afterwards the trailer will be on the bench with many more fiddly PE pieces.