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Here's the pic... I hope this is correct.

Yes, it looks good, now. When I saw the original CAD drawings, I was alarmed, so I sent every Internet photo I had of the Latrun Sherman AMX to Pawel, who kindly forwarded them to Dragon (I suspect others may also have sent them Latrun pix, but I hope my little contribution may have may have resulted in a more accurate kit). I also included information gleaned from Vasko Barbic's excellent articles on Egyptian Sherman modifications in Military Modelling Magazine back in the 1980's, which had detailed the Egyptian Army's changes, notably the conversion of the M4A4 hulls to use the twin diesel engines of the M4A2 (nobody but the British liked the Chrysler Multibank), and the details of the early FL-10 turrets.
The turret CAD images Dragon showed more recently still show the coaming on the upper turret for the canvas dust cover, which should be removed, but Dragon did add the rubber dust gasket seen on the earliest AMX-13's and the Egyptian turrets.