Ever since my friend and fellow model builder extrodinare Mike DelVecchio built the Hobby Fan M-56 Scorpion, I have wanted to get my hands on the old Revell kit that was issued in the 70s and 80s. This weekend, another friend and fellow model builder, Tim Rothenberger point out to me one of these kits available on Ebay, and for the first time it was under 50 dollars shipped!!! Suffice to say, I own it, and I am going to share with you all my efforts to build it straight OOB. I am sure I could add a lot with aftermarket, PE, and some other things, but there is a method to my madness that some can probably already guess. For starters, I thought I would show you the kit as I recieved it.

Later today I expect to actually have it built, and I will take pictures along the way!