Quoted Text
That's a semaphore turn indicator. Some had an internal bulb for night use but can't say for certain they all did. Civilian autos had them as well until replaced by the front and rear lights we know today.
The german word is "winker"
I found this site:
http://www.thesamba.com/vw/archives/dic/w.phpwith this text in one of the posts:
"The German word for the "semaphore" or as the English have called them "trafficators"
Those funny directional devices used on Volkswagens from the 1930s prototypes to 1960 (in Europe) semaphores were last seen on US bound cars about 1955. They were also known in late 1950s early 60s US Army slang as "idiot sticks" and made illegal by the German safe pedestrian laws in 1961."
Image found in the post I copied above, I assume (since the image is in that post) that it is VW-related.
/ Robin