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Hobby Boss releases one of the proposed T-18 variants, the SU-18.
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Yes, it's ugly... It's only interesting to me because it's a "variation on a theme", but that doesn't mean that I'm going to fall all over myself to buy one. It's GREAT for Russo-Soviet fans though, ESPECIALLY because the SU-18 isn't very well known- Heck, the T-18 isn't even very well known, for that matter, which the SU-18 is based upon. Gotta hand it to TRUMPETER/HOBBY BOSS; at least they came up with something "different"...
OK, I'll take a chance and say it for ALL of you, and risk "the roof caving in" on me-
"They (TRUMPETER/HOBBY BOSS) could have chosen a veritable MYRIAD of other subjects/WHY did they have to do an SU-18/WHY didn't they come out with a/an: (insert your favorite "wanna-have here- _______________ ), instead?!?"
Answer: "Because that's the way things are..."