A picture with better lighting:
The color guide I used:
Mike I used mostly Vallejo paint.
I started with Tamiya white primer. Then a coat of Vallejo 70894 cam. olive green. Followed by a wash with the same color plus black and sepia. Then, dry brushing first with base color , then add a touch of white. Then comes the flicking process. For the tan/light green I made a mixture of 70942 light green, 70953 flat yellow, and a touch of 70881 yellow green. I tried different brushes until I decided which one made the smallest spots. During the process, you get some larger spots, which I immediately removed with Vallejo airbrush cleaner using a small brush. With a very fine brush, you can play a little with the digital shapes, so that there are not only spots. Next, I flick the Brown, very sparsely. I used 70940 saddle brown. Last y flicked 70950 black, even more sparsely than the brown. You are done with the flicking.
Lastly, I did several washes using varying mixtures of Vallejo Model Wash 76514 Dark brown and 76503 dark yellow. Very thinned down. Yellower for the uniform and darker for the webbing equipment; that way you get a slightly different tone on both. For the Balaclava I used 70975 military green. I hope that helps Mike. Cheers!