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i recently bought this item. first time i'm using anything like this to remove paint. it helps to remove paint, but i'm not sure if i'm using it properly.
According to the manufacturer, one can dip and soak smaller parts for instance separate read wheels, figures, in a container filled with remover. In case of bigger parts like an entire model one needs to pour the remover over it, wait for reaction to happen and then start removing the peeling paint with a brush. Model should be put in a tray or similar dish even a simple plate will do. This makes sure that the remover is collected and doesn't drip all over your workspace. Collected remover can be readily reused, one can also filter it using a strainer and save for later. Once some paint is gone one can rinse the model with tap water to better see which model areas still require attention and then reapply the remover again. One needs to repeat this procedure (apply remover/rinse) several times until satisfied with the result.
Hope this helps. In any case you can contact them also through e-mail at
[email protected] and surely they will clarify any doubt.