Danish Leopards in Helmand
From the crew’s perspective
Danish Army Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tanks were deployed to Afghanistan from 2007 to 2014 as part of Denmark’s contribution to the NATO ISAF mission.
The purpose of this book is to tell the story of the Danish tankers who manned these vehicles. Their tales will be told, as the soldiers told them to me. Thus,you will get insight into some very personal stories about the experiences of the crew members, while they were “at work” in Afghanistan. The crews have been extensively interviewed to gain an insight into the life of a tanker in an alien operational theatre thousands of miles from home. The book has been written on the basis of around 40 interviews with crewmembers, who all have contributed with their stories of their time in the Helmand Desert in Afghanistan.
The Leopard 2 tanks were deployed to Afghanistan as a battle winning element in support of the Danish infantry units. They had been in country since the year before, when the first Danish Contingent (DANCON) was deployed in April 2006.
Apart from telling the stories of the crewmembers, the book has also gained the support of sponsors, who have chosen to support this project. The sponsorships will benefit the
YMCA Soldiers Mission in Holstebro in their work for the Danish veterans.